
源代码在线查看: cached-object.vm

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关键词: JAVA-Struts 自动生成 网站 程序
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				##				##  Copyright(C) 2002 Javanovic Software (http://www.javanovic.com)				##				##  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or				##  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public				##  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either				##  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.				##				##  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,				##  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of				##  MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU				##  Lesser General Public License for more details.				##				##  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public				##  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software				##  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA				##				//---------------------------------------------------------				// Application: $property.Name				// Author     : $property.Author				// File       : CachedObject.java				//				// Copyright $year $property.Company				// Generated at $date.Time				// using Karapan Sapi Struts Generator				// Visit http://www.javanovic.com				//---------------------------------------------------------								package ${build.Package}.util;								import java.util.*;								public class CachedObject {								  public Object object = null;				  private Date dateofExpiration = null;				  private String identifier = null;				  private Date lastAccessTime = new Date();				  private long numAccess = 1;				  private int size;								  // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++								  public CachedObject(Object obj, String id, int minutesToLive) {				    this.object = obj;				    this.identifier = id;								    size = objectSize(obj);				    lastAccessTime = new Date();				    // minutesToLive of 0 means it lives on indefinitely.				    if (minutesToLive != 0) {				      Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();				      cal.setTime(lastAccessTime);				      cal.add(cal.MINUTE, minutesToLive);				      dateofExpiration = cal.getTime();				    }				  }								  public void setLastAccessTime(Date lastAccessTime) {				    this.lastAccessTime = lastAccessTime;				  }								  public boolean isExpired() {				    // Remember if the minutes to live is zero then it lives forever!				    if (dateofExpiration != null && dateofExpiration.before(new Date())) {				      return true;				    }				    return false;				  }								  public String getIdentifier() {				    return identifier;				  }								  public Object getObject() {				    return object;				  }								  public Date getDateofExpiration() {				    return (this.dateofExpiration);				  }								  public Date getLastAccessTime() {				    return (this.lastAccessTime);				  }								  public long getNumAccess() {				    return (this.numAccess);				  }								  public long getSize() {				    return (this.size);				  }								  public double getMixCost() {				    long milis = new Date().getTime() - lastAccessTime.getTime();				    if(milis == 0) {				      milis = 1;				    }				    return (double)numAccess / (double)milis / (double)size;				  }								  public double getLRUCost() {				    long milis = new Date().getTime() - lastAccessTime.getTime();				    if(milis == 0) {				      milis = 1;				    }				    return 1.0/(double)milis;				  }								  public double getLFUCost() {				    return (double) numAccess;				  }								  public void incNumAccess() {				    numAccess++;				  }								  public boolean equals(Object o2) {				    try {				      String key2 = ((CachedObject) o2).getIdentifier();				      return identifier.equals(key2);				    } catch (Exception e) {				      return false;				    }				  }								  private static int objectSize(Object o) {				    try {				      int size = ((List) o).size();				      return size + 1;				    } catch (Exception e) {				      return 1;				    }				  }								}							
