
源代码在线查看: ncacheentry.java

软件大小: 368 K
关键词: Java HTTP 代理服务器
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				package rabbit.cache;								import java.io.Externalizable;				import java.io.IOException;				import java.io.ObjectInput;				import java.io.ObjectOutput;								/** 				 *  A cached object.				 */				class NCacheEntry implements Externalizable, CacheEntry {				    private static final long serialVersionUID = 20050430;								    /** @serial The key for the object usually a URL or a filename.*/				    private FiledKey key = null;				    /** @serial The date this entry was cached. */				    private long cachetime = -1;				    /** @serial The date this entry expires.*/				    private long expires = Long.MAX_VALUE;				    /** @serial The number of bytes this object is.*/				    private long size = 0;				    /** @serial The unique id of the object.*/				    private long id = 0;				    /** @serial The hooked data of the cached object. */				    private FiledHook datahook;								    /** Not to be used, for externalizable only. */				    public NCacheEntry () {				    }								    /** Create a new CacheEntry for given key and filename				     * @param key the key for the object.				     * @param id the identity of this entry				     */				    public NCacheEntry (K key, long id) {					this.key = new MemoryKey (key);					this.id = id;				    }    				    				    /** Set the key were holding data for				     * @param key the key we have data for				     */				    void setKey (FiledKey key) {					this.key = key;				    }				    				    /** Get the key were holding data for				     * @return the keyobject				     */				    public K getKey () {					return key.getData ();				    }   				    				    /** Get the date this object was cached.				     * @return a date.				     */				    public long getCacheTime () {					return cachetime;				    }								    /** Set the date this object was cached.				     * @param date the date.				     */				    public void setCacheTime (long date) {					cachetime = date;				    }								    /** Get the size of our file				     * @return the size of our data				     */				    public long getSize () {					return size;				    }  								    /** Sets the size of our data				     * @param size the new Size				     */				    public void setSize (long size) {					this.size = size;				    }								    /** Get the expiry-date of our file				     * @return the expiry date of our data				     */				    public long getExpires () {					return expires;				    }  								    /** Sets the expirydate of our data				     * @param d the new expiry-date.				     */				    public void setExpires (long d) {					this.expires = d;				    }				    				    /** Get the id of our entry.				     * @return the id of the entry.				     */				    public long getId () {					return id;				    }								    /** Get the real data hook				     */				    protected FiledHook getRealDataHook () {					return datahook;				    }								    /** Get the hooked data.				     * @param cache the NCache this entry lives in. 				     * @return the the hooked data.				     */				    public V getDataHook (Cache cache) {					return datahook.getData (cache, this);				    }								    /** Set the hooked data.				     * @param o the new filed hook				     */				    void setFiledDataHook (FiledHook o) {					this.datahook = o;				    }								    /** Sets the data hook for this cache object.				     *  Since it is not always possible to make the key hold this...				     * @param o the new data.				     */				    public void setDataHook (V o) {					this.datahook = new MemoryHook (o);				    }								    /** Read the cache entry from the object input.				     */				    @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )    				    public void readExternal (ObjectInput in) 					throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {					key = (FiledKey)in.readObject ();					cachetime = in.readLong ();					expires = in.readLong ();					size = in.readLong ();					id = in.readLong ();					datahook = (FiledHook)in.readObject ();				    }				    				    /** Write the object to the object output.				     */				    public void writeExternal (ObjectOutput out) throws IOException {					out.writeObject (key);					out.writeLong (cachetime);					out.writeLong (expires);					out.writeLong (size);					out.writeLong (id);					out.writeObject (datahook);				    }				}							
