----------------------------- Revision: 1.0 Date: march 22nd, 2001 Author: Richard Herveille - initial release ----------------------------- ----------------------------- Revision: 1.0a Date: april 12th, 2001 Author: Richard Herveille - removed records.vhd - removed all references to records.vhd, make core compatible with VHDL to Verilog translation tools - fixed a minor bug where core didn't respond to IDEen bit. ----------------------------- ----------------------------- Revision: 1.1 Date: June 18th, 2001 Author: Richard Herveille - Changed PIOack generation. Avoid asserting PIOack continuosly when IDEen = '0' - Changed wishbone address-input from ADR_I(4 downto 0) to ADR_I(6 downto 2) ----------------------------- ----------------------------- Revision: 1.1a Date: June 19th, 2001 Author: Richard Herveille - Simplified DAT_O output multiplexor ----------------------------- ----------------------------- Revision: 1.2 Date: June 26th, 2001 Author: Richard Herveille - Changed dPIOreq generation (controller.vhd). Wishbone burst accesses to ata device were not handled correctly - Change PIOack from "out" to "buffer" (controller.vhd + ata.vhd) ----------------------------- ----------------------------- Revision: 1.3 Date: July 11th, 2001 Author: Richard Herveille - renamed 'ata.vhd' to 'atahost.vhd' - Changed PIOreq & PIOack generation (controller.vhd); made them synchronous - Changed 'go' & 'igo' generation (pio_tctrl.vhdl). ----------------------------- ----------------------------- Revision: 1.4 Date: Februar 17th, 2002 Author: Richard Herveille - renamed 'atahost.vhd' to 'atahost_top.vhd' - renamed 'controller.vhd' to 'atahost_controller.vhd' - renamed 'pio_tctrl.vhd' to 'atahost_pio_tctrl.vhd' - broke-up 'counter.vhd' into 'ud_cnt.vhd' and 'ro_cnt.vhd' - changed resD input to generic RESD in ud_cnt.vhd - changed ID input to generic ID in ro_cnt.vhd - changed core to reflect changes in ro_cnt.vhd - removed references to 'count' library - changed IO names - added disclaimer - added CVS log - moved registers and wishbone signals into 'atahost_wb_slave.vhd' ----------------------------- ----------------------------- Revision: 1.5 Date: May 19th, 2002. Author: Richard Herveille - Fixed a potential bug that forced the core into an unknown state when an asynchronous reset was given without a running clock -----------------------------