
源代码在线查看: wldisoxsecshp.mnu

软件大小: 800299 K
上传用户: yangyaowei
关键词: proe 5.0 免费下载
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				X-SEC_SHAPE								#				A				Make a fillet weld with leg length of size "A".				# remove the # sign and enter foreign help string in this line				Z				Make a fillet weld with throat thickness of size "Z".				# remove the # sign and enter foreign help string in this line				A#and#Z				Make a fillet weld with leg length "A" and throat thickness "Z".				# remove the # sign and enter foreign help string in this line				Quit				Quit the current process.				# remove the # sign and enter foreign help string in this line							
