// AC_BONUS.MNU for the LXY New Tools
// Copyright (C) 1999 by XY.Liao.
// Created 2/26/99 by XY.Liao
[&New Tools]
ID_MNLBtl [->标题栏]
ID_LBtlnew [生成标题栏...]^C^Cbnew
ID_LBtlmod [
ID_MNLMxb [->明细表工具]
ID_LMnew [生成明细表]^C^Cmnew
ID_LMadd [插入明细表]^C^Cmadd
ID_LMedit [ [--]
ID_MNLStd [->标准件库]
ID_LMoldBase [模胚库...]^C^Cmould
ID_LSlide [行位库...]^C^CSld
ID_LScrew [螺丝库...]^C^Csnew
ID_LEpin [顶针库...]^C^Cenew
ID_LPin [镶针库...]^C^Cpnew
ID_LSpring [弹弓库...]^C^Cspnew
ID_LApin [
ID_MNLMod [->修改工具]
ID_LSmod [螺丝修改]^C^Csedit
ID_LEmod [顶针修改]^C^Ceedit
ID_LPmod [镶针修改]^C^Cpinedit
ID_LSpmod [ [--]
ID_MNLGen [->通用工具]
ID_LSort [生成标准件明细表]^C^Cssort
ID_LMout [传送明细表到Excel...]^C^Cmxbout
ID_LPL [打印...]^C^Cplt plot
ID_LLman [ [--]
ID_LAbout [About LXY New Tools...]^C^Clxyabout
ID_TbLMxb [_Toolbar("Btl and Mxb Tools", _Floating, _Show, 197, 172, 1)]
ID_LMnew [_Button("Create bill table", Mxb_n16.bmp, Mxb_n24.bmp)]^C^Cmnew
ID_LMadd [_Button("Insert bill table", Mxb_i16.bmp, Mxb_i24.bmp)]^C^Cmadd
ID_LMedit [_Button("Edit bill table", Mxb_m16.bmp, Mxb_m24.bmp)]^C^Cmedit
ID_LBnew [_Button("Create table head", Btl_n16.bmp, Btl_n24.bmp)]^C^Cbnew
ID_LBedit [_Button("Edit table head", Btl_m16.bmp, Btl_m24.bmp)]^C^Cbedit
ID_TbLStdnew [_Toolbar("Standard part create Tools", _Floating, _Show, 150, 147, 1)]
ID_LMould [_Button("Mould Base library", Mold_n16.bmp, Mold_n24.bmp)]^C^Cmould
ID_LSld [_Button("Slide library", Sld_n16.bmp, Sld_n24.bmp)]^C^CSld
ID_LSnew [_Button("Create screw", Scr_n16.bmp, Scr_n24.bmp)]^C^Csnew
ID_LEnew [_Button("Create epin", Epin_n16.bmp, Epin_n24.bmp)]^C^Cenew
ID_LPnew [_Button("Create pin", Pin_n16.bmp, Pin_n24.bmp)]^C^Cpnew
ID_LSpnew [_Button("Create Spring", Spr_n16.bmp, Spr_n24.bmp)]^C^Cspnew
ID_LApnew [_Button("Create angle pin", Apn_n16.bmp, Apn_n24.bmp)]^C^Capnew
ID_TbLStdmod [_Toolbar("Standard part Modify Tools", _Floating, _Show, 101, 121, 1)]
ID_LSmod [_Button("Modify screw", Scr_m16.bmp, Scr_m24.bmp)]^C^Csedit
ID_LEmod [_Button("Modify epin", Epin_m16.bmp, Epin_m24.bmp)]^C^Ceedit
ID_LPmod [_Button("Modify pin", Pin_m16.bmp, Pin_m24.bmp)]^C^Cpinedit
ID_LSpmod [_Button("Modify Spring", Spr_m16.bmp, Spr_m24.bmp)]^C^Cspedit
ID_TbLGen [_Toolbar("Lxy General Tools", _Floating, _Show, 61, 101, 1)]
ID_LSort [_Button("Create std bill table", Stdmxb16.bmp, Stdmxb24.bmp)]^C^Cssort
ID_LMout [_Button("Mxb out", Mxb_o16.bmp, Mxb_o24.bmp)]^C^Cmxbout
ID_LLman [_Button("Layer manager", Layman16.bmp, Layman24.bmp)]^C^Clayman
ID_LPL [_Button("Plot", Plot_n16.bmp, Plot_n24.bmp)]^C^Cplt plot
ID_epid_find [_Button("Create std drill table", ep_add.bmp, Stdmxb24.bmp)]^c^c(load "delete_hatch.lsp")(find_ej)(find_es_pin)
ID_epid_insert [_Button("Create std drill table", ep_mxb.bmp, ep_mxb.bmp)]^C^C(load "delete_hatch.lsp")(insert_id)
ID_LMnew [Create bill table step by step: mnew]
ID_LMadd [Insert a single bill table: madd]
ID_LMedit [Edit bill table: medit]
ID_LBnew [Create table head: bnew]
ID_LBedit [Edit table head: bedit]
ID_LMould [AutoCreate Mold Base: mould]
ID_LSld [AutoCreate Slide: Sld]
ID_LSnew [Create screw: snew]
ID_LEnew [Create epin: enew]
ID_LPnew [Create pin: pnew]
ID_LSpnew [Create Spring: spnew]
ID_LApnew [Create angle pin: apnew]
ID_LSmod [Modify screw: sedit]
ID_LEmod [Modify epin: eedit]
ID_LPmod [Modify pin: pinedit]
ID_LSpmod [Modify Spring: spedit]
ID_LSort [Find out standard part and create bill table: ssort]
ID_LMout [Translate bill to Excel: mxbout]
ID_LLman [Initializing layer and manager layer: layman]
ID_LPL [Plot and mark plot time]