windows mobile phone source code

源代码在线查看: autoexp.dat

软件大小: 1953 K
上传用户: yitiaojin135
关键词: windows mobile source phone
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				; Add the contents of this file to 
				;  C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\MSDev98\Bin\AUTOEXP.DAT
				; from PTLib
				PObject =
				PString =
				PContainer= size=size> ref=count>
				PAbstractArray = size=size> ref=count>
				PArrayObjects = size=reference->size> ref=count>
				PIPSocket::Address =...
				PTimeInterval = 
				PTime = 
				; from PWLib
				PPoint =x= y=
				PDim =width= height=
				PRect =top= bottom= left= right=
