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				Linux Complete Command Reference:User Commands:EarthWeb Inc.-


								function displayWindow(url, width, height) {
				        var Win =,"displayWindow",'width=' + width +
				',height=' + height + ',resizable=1,scrollbars=yes');













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				Page 52






				Flip Vertically


				This command will flip the bitmap image with respect to the vertical axes. If

				a marked area of the grid is highlighted, it will operate only inside the marked

				area. Pressing V inside the bitmap window has the same effect.




				This command moves the bitmap image one pixel to the left. If a marked area of

				the grid is highlighted, it will operate only inside the marked area. Pressing

				LeftArrow inside the bitmap window has the same effect.




				This command will fold the bitmap image so that the opposite corners

				become adjacent. This is useful when creating bitmap images for tiling. Pressing F inside

				the bitmap window has the same effect.




				This command moves the bitmap image one pixel to the right. If a marked area

				of the grid is highlighted, it will operate only inside the marked area. Pressing the

				right arrow inside the bitmap window has the same effect.


				Rotate Left


				This command rotates the bitmap image 90 degrees to the left (counter

				clockwise.) If a marked area of the grid is highlighted, it will operate only inside the

				marked area. Pressing L inside the bitmap window has the same effect.




				This command moves the bitmap image one pixel down. If a marked area of the

				grid is highlighted, it will operate only inside the marked area. Pressing the down

				arrow inside the bitmap window has the same effect.


				Rotate Right


				This command rotates the bitmap image 90 degrees to the right (clockwise.) If

				a marked area of the grid is highlighted, it will operate only inside the marked

				area. Pressing R inside the bitmap window has the same effect.




				This command will change the grid squares underneath the mouse pointer if

				a mouse button is being pressed down. If you drag the mouse button

				continuously, the line may not be continuous, depending on the speed of your system

				and frequency of mouse motion events.




				This command will change the grid squares underneath the mouse pointer if

				a mouse button is being pressed down. If you drag the mouse button continuously,

				it will make sure that the line is continuous. If your system is slow or bitmap

				receives very few mouse motion events, it might behave quite strangely.




				This command will change the grid squares in a line between two squares. Once

				you press a mouse button in the grid window, bitmap will highlight the line from

				the square where the mouse button was initially pressed to the square where the

				mouse pointer is located. By releasing the mouse button, you will cause the change to

				take effect, and the highlighted line will disappear.




				This command will change the grid squares in a rectangle between two

				squares. Once you press a mouse button in the grid window, bitmap will highlight

				the rectangle from the square where the mouse button was initially pressed to the

				square where the mouse pointer is located. By releasing the mouse button you will cause

				the change to take effect, and the highlighted rectangle will disappear.


				Filled Rectangle


				This command is identical to Rectangle, except at the end the rectangle will be

				filled rather than outlined.




				This command will change the grid squares in a circle between two squares.

				Once you press a mouse button in the grid window, bitmap will highlight the circle

				from the square where the mouse button was initially pressed to the square where

				the mouse pointer is located. By releasing the mouse button you will cause the change

				to take effect, and the highlighted circle will disappear.


				Filled Circle


				This command is identical to Circle, except at the end the circle will be filled

				rather than outlined.


				Flood Fill


				This command will flood fill the connected area underneath the mouse

				pointer when you click on the desired square. Diagonally adjacent squares are not

				considered to be connected.





				Page 53





				Set Hot Spot


				This command designates one square in the grid as the hot spot if this bitmap

				image is to be used for defining a cursor. Pressing a mouse button in the desired square

				will cause a diamond shape to be displayed.


				Clear Hot Spot


				This command removes any designated hot spot from the bitmap image.




				This command will undo the last executed command. It has depth one, that

				is, pressing Undo after Undo will undo itself.









				The File menu commands can be accessed by pressing the File button and selecting the appropriate menu entry, or

				by pressing the Ctrl key with another key. These commands deal with files and global bitmap parameters, such as

				size, basename, filename, and so forth.








				This command will clear the editing area and prompt for the name of the new file

				to be edited. It will not load in the new file.




				This command is used to load a new bitmap file into the bitmap editor. If

				the current image has not been saved, user will be asked whether to save or ignore

				the changes. The editor can edit only one file at a time. If you need interactive

				editing, run a number of editors and use the cut and paste mechanism as described later

				in this section. (See "Cut and Paste.")




				This command is used to insert a bitmap file into the image being currently

				edited. After being prompted for the filename, click inside the grid window and drag

				the outlined rectangle to the location where you want to insert the new file.




				This command will save the bitmap image. It will not prompt for the

				filename unless it is said to be <none>. If you leave the filename undesignated or _, the

				output will be piped to stdout.


				Save As


				This command will save the bitmap image after prompting for a new filename.

				It should be used if you want to change the filename.




				This command is used to resize the editing area to the new number of pixels.

				The size should be entered in the widthÁheight format. The information in the

				image being edited will not be lost unless the new size is smaller that the current image

				size. The editor was not designed to edit huge files.




				This command is used to rescale the editing area to the new width and height.

				The size should be entered in the widthÁheight format. It will not do antialiasing

				and information will be lost if you rescale to the smaller sizes. Feel free to add you

				own algorithms for better rescaling.




				This command is used to change the filename without changing the basename

				nor saving the file. If you specify _ for a filename, the output will be piped to stdout.




				This command is used to change the basename, if a different one from the

				specified filename is desired.




				This command will terminate the bitmap application. If the file was not saved,

				user will be prompted and asked whether to save the image or not. Quit is preferred

				over killing the process.









				The Edit menu commands can be accessed by pressing the Edit button and selecting the appropriate menu entry, or

				by pressing Meta key with another key. These commands deal with editing facilities such as grid, axes, zooming, cut and

				paste, and so on.







				This command will display the image being edited and its inverse in its actual size

				in a separate window. The window can be moved away to continue with

				editing. Pressing the left mouse button in the image window will cause it to disappear

				from the screen.







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