-- Set Text Strings
-- For this example, keep the strings in a table, you could parse a textfile
textstrings = {}
textstrings[0] = "This is text string 0"
textstrings[1] = "Text string 1"
textstrings[2] = "Text string 2"
textstrings[3] = "Text string 3"
textstrings[4] = "Text string 4"
textstrings[5] = "Text string 5"
textstrings[6] = "Text string 6"
textstrings[7] = "Text string 7, the last one"
function main()
if mappy.msgBox("Set Text Strings", "An example of how to load text strings into a FMP map, see the 'Set Text Strings.lua' source for more info.\n\nContinue?", mappy.MMB_OKCANCEL, mappy.MMB_ICONQUESTION ) == mappy.MMB_OK then
-- load the strings in order
for i = 0,7 do
mappy.setTextString (i, textstrings[i])
-- replace an existing string
-- mappy.setTextString (3, "Replaced string number 3")
-- delete string (only works on last string, send "-del")
-- mappy.setTextString (mappy.getValue(mappy.NUMTEXTSTR)-1, "-del")
local isok,index = mappy.doDialogue ("Set Text Strings", "Which Block/Object user field?", "1", mappy.MMB_DIALOGUE1)
index = tonumber (index)
mappy.setValue(mappy.STRBLKUSER, index)
mappy.setValue(mappy.STROBJUSER, index)
test, errormsg = pcall( main )
if not test then
mappy.msgBox("Error ...", errormsg, mappy.MMB_OK, mappy.MMB_ICONEXCLAMATION)