source of perl for linux application,


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				package Module::Pluggable::Object;								use strict;				use File::Find ();				use File::Basename;				use File::Spec::Functions qw(splitdir catdir curdir catfile abs2rel);				use Carp qw(croak carp);				use Devel::InnerPackage;				use Data::Dumper;				use vars qw($VERSION);								$VERSION = '3.6';												sub new {				    my $class = shift;				    my %opts  = @_;								    return bless \%opts, $class;								}												sub plugins {				        my $self = shift;								        # override 'require'				        $self->{'require'} = 1 if $self->{'inner'};								        my $filename   = $self->{'filename'};				        my $pkg        = $self->{'package'};								        # automatically turn a scalar search path or namespace into a arrayref				        for (qw(search_path search_dirs)) {				            $self->{$_} = [ $self->{$_} ] if exists $self->{$_} && !ref($self->{$_});				        }																				        # default search path is '::::Plugin'				        $self->{'search_path'} = ["${pkg}::Plugin"] unless $self->{'search_path'}; 												        #my %opts = %$self;												        # check to see if we're running under test				        my @SEARCHDIR = exists $INC{""} && $filename =~ m!(^|/)blib/! ? grep {/blib/} @INC : @INC;								        # add any search_dir params				        unshift @SEARCHDIR, @{$self->{'search_dirs'}} if defined $self->{'search_dirs'};												        my @plugins = $self->search_directories(@SEARCHDIR);								        # push @plugins, map { print STDERR "$_\n"; $_->require } list_packages($_) for (@{$self->{'search_path'}});				        				        # return blank unless we've found anything				        return () unless @plugins;												        # exceptions				        my %only;   				        my %except; 				        my $only;				        my $except;								        if (defined $self->{'only'}) {				            if (ref($self->{'only'}) eq 'ARRAY') {				                %only   = map { $_ => 1 } @{$self->{'only'}};				            } elsif (ref($self->{'only'}) eq 'Regexp') {				                $only = $self->{'only'}				            } elsif (ref($self->{'only'}) eq '') {				                $only{$self->{'only'}} = 1;				            }				        }				        								        if (defined $self->{'except'}) {				            if (ref($self->{'except'}) eq 'ARRAY') {				                %except   = map { $_ => 1 } @{$self->{'except'}};				            } elsif (ref($self->{'except'}) eq 'Regexp') {				                $except = $self->{'except'}				            } elsif (ref($self->{'except'}) eq '') {				                $except{$self->{'except'}} = 1;				            }				        }												        # remove duplicates				        # probably not necessary but hey ho				        my %plugins;				        for(@plugins) {				            next if (keys %only   && !$only{$_}     );				            next unless (!defined $only || m!$only! );								            next if (keys %except &&  $except{$_}   );				            next if (defined $except &&  m!$except! );				            $plugins{$_} = 1;				        }								        # are we instantiating or requring?				        if (defined $self->{'instantiate'}) {				            my $method = $self->{'instantiate'};				            return map { ($_->can($method)) ? $_->$method(@_) : () } keys %plugins;				        } else { 				            # no? just return the names				            return keys %plugins;				        }												}								sub search_directories {				    my $self      = shift;				    my @SEARCHDIR = @_;								    my @plugins;				    # go through our @INC				    foreach my $dir (@SEARCHDIR) {				        push @plugins, $self->search_paths($dir);				    }								    return @plugins;				}												sub search_paths {				    my $self = shift;				    my $dir  = shift;				    my @plugins;								    my $file_regex = $self->{'file_regex'} || qr/\.pm$/;												    # and each directory in our search path				    foreach my $searchpath (@{$self->{'search_path'}}) {				        # create the search directory in a cross platform goodness way				        my $sp = catdir($dir, (split /::/, $searchpath));								        # if it doesn't exist or it's not a dir then skip it				        next unless ( -e $sp && -d _ ); # Use the cached stat the second time								        my @files = $self->find_files($sp);								        # foreach one we've found 				        foreach my $file (@files) {				            # untaint the file; accept .pm only				            next unless ($file) = ($file =~ /(.*$file_regex)$/); 				            # parse the file to get the name				            my ($name, $directory, $suffix) = fileparse($file, $file_regex);								            $directory = abs2rel($directory, $sp);								            # If we have a mixed-case package name, assume case has been preserved				            # correctly.  Otherwise, root through the file to locate the case-preserved				            # version of the package name.				            my @pkg_dirs = ();				            if ( $name eq lc($name) || $name eq uc($name) ) {				                my $pkg_file = catfile($sp, $directory, "$name$suffix");				                open PKGFILE, "				                my $in_pod = 0;				                while ( my $line =  ) {				                    $in_pod = 1 if $line =~ m/^=\w/;				                    $in_pod = 0 if $line =~ /^=cut/;				                    next if ($in_pod || $line =~ /^=cut/);  # skip pod text				                    next if $line =~ /^\s*#/;               # and comments				                    if ( $line =~ m/^\s*package\s+(.*::)?($name)\s*;/i ) {				                        @pkg_dirs = split /::/, $1;				                        $name = $2;				                        last;				                    }				                }				                close PKGFILE;				            }								            # then create the class name in a cross platform way				            $directory =~ s/^[a-z]://i if($^O =~ /MSWin32|dos/);       # remove volume				            my @dirs = ();				            if ($directory) {				                ($directory) = ($directory =~ /(.*)/);				                @dirs = grep(length($_), splitdir($directory)) 				                    unless $directory eq curdir();				                for my $d (reverse @dirs) {				                    my $pkg_dir = pop @pkg_dirs; 				                    last unless defined $pkg_dir;				                    $d =~ s/\Q$pkg_dir\E/$pkg_dir/i;  # Correct case				                }				            } else {				                $directory = "";				            }				            my $plugin = join '::', $searchpath, @dirs, $name;								            next unless $plugin =~ m!(?:[a-z\d]+)[a-z\d]!i;								            my $err = $self->handle_finding_plugin($plugin);				            carp "Couldn't require $plugin : $err" if $err;				             				            push @plugins, $plugin;				        }								        # now add stuff that may have been in package				        # NOTE we should probably use all the stuff we've been given already				        # but then we can't unload it :(				        push @plugins, $self->handle_innerpackages($searchpath) unless (exists $self->{inner} && !$self->{inner});				    } # foreach $searchpath								    return @plugins;				}								sub handle_finding_plugin {				    my $self   = shift;				    my $plugin = shift;								    return unless (defined $self->{'instantiate'} || $self->{'require'}); 				    $self->_require($plugin);				}								sub find_files {				    my $self         = shift;				    my $search_path  = shift;				    my $file_regex   = $self->{'file_regex'} || qr/\.pm$/;												    # find all the .pm files in it				    # this isn't perfect and won't find multiple plugins per file				    #my $cwd = Cwd::getcwd;				    my @files = ();				    { # for the benefit of perl 5.6.1's Find, localize topic				        local $_;				        File::Find::find( { no_chdir => 1, 				                           wanted => sub { 				                             # Inlined from File::Find::Rule C< name => '*.pm' >				                             return unless $File::Find::name =~ /$file_regex/;				                             (my $path = $File::Find::name) =~ s#^\\./##;				                             push @files, $path;				                           }				                      }, $search_path );				    }				    #chdir $cwd;				    return @files;								}								sub handle_innerpackages {				    my $self = shift;				    my $path = shift;				    my @plugins;												    foreach my $plugin (Devel::InnerPackage::list_packages($path)) {				        my $err = $self->handle_finding_plugin($plugin);				        #next if $err;				        #next unless $INC{$plugin};				        push @plugins, $plugin;				    }				    return @plugins;								}												sub _require {				    my $self = shift;				    my $pack = shift;				    local $@;				    eval "CORE::require $pack";				    return $@;				}												1;								=pod								=head1 NAME								Module::Pluggable::Object - automatically give your module the ability to have plugins								=head1 SYNOPSIS												Simple use Module::Pluggable -								    package MyClass;				    use Module::Pluggable::Object;				    				    my $finder = Module::Pluggable::Object->new(%opts);				    print "My plugins are: ".join(", ", $finder->plugins)."\n";								=head1 DESCRIPTION								Provides a simple but, hopefully, extensible way of having 'plugins' for 				your module. Obviously this isn't going to be the be all and end all of				solutions but it works for me.								Essentially all it does is export a method into your namespace that 				looks through a search path for .pm files and turn those into class names. 								Optionally it instantiates those classes for you.								=head1 AUTHOR								Simon Wistow 								=head1 COPYING								Copyright, 2006 Simon Wistow								Distributed under the same terms as Perl itself.								=head1 BUGS								None known.								=head1 SEE ALSO								L								=cut 											
