1. 记录每个帖子的访问人情况

源代码在线查看: log.pm

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关键词: 记录 访问
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				# Copyright 2001-2005 Six Apart.				# SCRiPTMAFiA 2005 - THE DiRTY HANDS ON YOUR SCRiPTS				#				# $Id: Log.pm 10197 2005-03-09 00:27:57Z ezra $								package MT::Log;				use strict;								use MT::Object;				@MT::Log::ISA = qw( MT::Object );				__PACKAGE__->install_properties({				    columns => [				        'id', 'message', 'ip',				    ],				    indexes => {				        created_on => 1,				    },				    datasource => 'log',				    audit => 1,				    primary_key => 'id',				});								1;				__END__								=head1 NAME								MT::Log - Movable Type activity log record								=head1 SYNOPSIS								    use MT::Log;				    my $log = MT::Log->new;				    $log->message('This is a message in the activity log.');				    $log->save				        or die $log->errstr;								=head1 DESCRIPTION								An I object represents a record in the Movable Type activity log.								=head1 USAGE								As a subclass of I, I inherits all of the				data-management and -storage methods from that class; thus you should look				at the I documentation for details about creating a new object,				loading an existing object, saving an object, etc.								=head1 DATA ACCESS METHODS								The I object holds the following pieces of data. These fields can				be accessed and set using the standard data access methods described in the				I documentation.								=over 4								=item * id								The numeric ID of the log record.								=item * message								The log entry.								=item * ip								The IP address related with the message; this is useful, for example, when				the message pertains to a failed login, to determine the IP address of the				user who attempted to log in.								=item * created_on								The timestamp denoting when the log record was created, in the format				C. Note that the timestamp has already been adjusted for the				selected timezone.								=item * modified_on								The timestamp denoting when the log record was last modified, in the format				C. Note that the timestamp has already been adjusted for the				selected timezone.								=back								=head1 DATA LOOKUP								In addition to numeric ID lookup, you can look up or sort records by any				combination of the following fields. See the I documentation in				I for more information.								=over 4								=item * created_on								=back								=head1 AUTHOR & COPYRIGHTS								Please see the I manpage for author, copyright, and license information.								=cut							
