源代码在线查看: de.rcp.save
// Translation template
// put the abbreviation of the language
// Correction and add on by Hans Zeitler (Zeitisen) 21.10.2003
// And Bjoern Sjut 26.10.2003
// Remark : I wasn't able to find some descriptions listet here in my software,
// so I could not test it for visibility.
// I reorganized the entries for better readability. I hope you are able to
// track the changes in spite of this.
"#$#Comment"="//-------------- Menue DB -------------------------------------"
"Done" = "Okay"
"DB" = "DB"
"Close" = "Schlie遝n"
"Delete All" = "Alle entfernen"
"Repair Tree" = "Baum reparieren"
"Sync With ToDo" = "Sync mit Todo"
"Export" = "Exportiere"
"#$#Comment"="//-------Menue DB Export --------------------------------"
"#$#Comment"="// descriptions non bold !"
"Export to MemoPad/Doc" = "Export nach Memo/Doc"
"done tasks" = "erledigte Aufgaben"
"due dates" = "F鋖ligkeitsdatum"
"priorities" = "Priorit鋞en"
"Flat View" = "flache Ansicht"
"follows options are DOC only" = "nur f黵 DOC-Format:"
"#$#Comment"="//-------Menue DB Set/Reset -----------------------------"
"#$#Comment"="// descriptions non bold !"
"Dates" = "Termine"
"Progress" = "Fortschritt"
"Priority" = "Priorit鋞"
"ToDo Unlink" = "ToDo Link aufheben"
"ToDo Link" = "ToDo Link herstellen"
"#$#Comment"=" Remark: The german Translation for ToDo is \"Aufgaben\","
"#$#Comment"=" but ToDo is commonly used and shorter"
"Are you sure you want to modify ^1 ? (This cannot be undone)" = "M鯿hten Sie ^1 bearbeiten? (R點kg鋘gig nicht m鰃lich)"
"#$#Comment"="//-------------- Menue Edit -------------------------------------"
"Copy Children" = "Sub-Tasks kopieren"
"Paste As Child" = "als Sub-Task einf黦en"
"New (Sub) Task" = "neuer (Sub)Task"
"Publish to LinkMaster" = "Linkmaster bekanntgeben"
"Link via LinkMaster" = "Link 黚er LinkMaster"
"Remove Link" = "Link entfernen"
"New Link" = "neuer Link"
"#$#Comment"="//--------------- Menue Tree --------------------------------------"
"Tree" = "Baum"
"Delete Task" = "Task entfernen"
"Delete Children" = "Sub-Tasks entfernen"
"Delete All Done Tasks" = "Erledigte Tasks l鰏chen"
"Expand all" = "Alle ausklappen"
"Collapse all" = "Alle einklappen"
"Expand one" = "Zweig ausklappen"
"Collapse one" = "Zweig einklappen"
"Collapse father" = "Ast einklappen"
"View All" = "Alle sichtbar"
"Go to top" = "nach oben"
"Go to bottom" = "nach unten"
"#$#Comment"="//---------------- Menue Option -----------------------------------"
"Options" = "Optionen"
"Preferences" = "Einstellungen"
"#$#Comment"="//---------- Menue Option Project Properties -----------------------------"
"Project Properties" = "Projekteigenschaften"
"Hide done tasks : " = "Fertige Tasks ausblenden"
"Display due dates : " = "F鋖ligkeit anzeigen"
"Display priorities : " = "Priorit鋞en anzeigen"
"Backup project : " = "Projekt Backup erstellen"
"Delete always warn : " = "Vor L鰏chen warnen"
"Print year : " = "Jahr drucken: "
"Use Father Status : " = "Vater-Status verwenden:"
"Auto Sync ToDo : " = "AutoSync mit ToDo:"
"Record completion Date : " = "Fertigstellungsdatum aufzeichnen:"
"#$#Comment"="// --------Menue Option Display Properties -------------------------"
"Display Properties" = "Anzeigeeigenschaften"
"#$#Comment"="// where is \"Display Prefs.\"? added by Zei"
"Display Prefs." = "Anzeigeeigenschaften"
"Priority to bold : " = "Priorit鋞 als Fett : "
"Days to bold : " = "Tage als Fett : "
"Wrap max lines : " = "Umbruch max. Zeilen : "
"Strike done tasks" = "erledigte Aufgaben streichen : "
"Hide done progress : " = "Fortschrittsanzeige ausblenden : "
"Draw Tree Lines" = "Zeichne Baumlinien : "
"None" = "Keine"
"ALL" = "ALLE"
"Overdue" = "躡erf鋖lig"
"2 days" = "2 Tage"
"3 days" = "3 Tage"
"4 days" = "4 Tage"
"5 days" = "5 Tage"
"6 days" = "6 Tage"
"1 week" = "1 Woche"
"2 weeks" = "2 Wochen"
"3 weeks" = "3 Wochen"
"4 weeks" = "4 Wochen"
"#$#Comment"="// -------- Menue Option Flat Filter --------------------------------"
"#$#Comment"="// please change descriptions to non bold ! "
"#$#Comment"="// Please adjust to right side of window!"
"#$#Comment"="// Hide done tasks : from project properties ? "
"Flat Filter" = "Flach Filter"
"Dated Tasks : " = "Aufgaben mit Termin : "
"#$#Comment"="// Only = Nur, AND = Und, OR = Oder"
"#$#Comment"="// Yes, No, All = ja, Nein, Alle"
"Date in limit : " = "Termin in Bereich : "
"Sort : " = "Sortieren : "
"#$#Comment"="// No, Date, Priority = Nein, Datum, Priorit鋞 "
"Categories : " = "Kategorien : "
"#$#Comment"="// -------- Menue Option Task Defaults --------------------------------"
"Task Defaults" = "Aufgaben Voreinstellungen"
"#$#Comment"="// misc Menue ---------------------------------------------------"
"Delete" = "Entfernen"
"#$#Comment"="// Menue is to long! if this is use only in menue, take abbreviation!"
"#$#Comment"="// \"Edit\" = \"Bearbeiten\""
"Edit" = "Bearb."
"Undo" = "R點kg鋘gig"
"Cut" = "Ausschneiden"
"Copy" = "Kopieren"
"Paste" = "Einf黦en"
"Select All" = "Alle ausw鋒len"
"Keyboard" = "Tastatur"
"Graffiti Help" = "Graffiti Hilfe"
"#$#Comment"="// -------------------------- Main -----------------------------------"
"Palm Progect" = "Palm Progect"
"#$#Comment"="// there are 7 characters not visible! (only \"Umb\")"
"#$#Comment"="// Abbreviation is not very nice. Is it possible to shorten the "
"#$#Comment"="// distance between text and Button?"
"Open" = "謋fnen"
"New" = "Neu"
"#$#Comment"="// \"Del\" = \"Entfernen\""
"#$#Comment"="// \"Rename\" = \"Umbenennen\""
"Del" = "Entf."
"Rename" = "Umben."
"Projects" = "Projekte"
"Duplicate Project" = "Projekte duplizieren"
"Help" = "Hilfe"
"About" = "躡er"
"About Progect" = "躡er Progect"
"Choose a project name" = "Projektname w鋒len"
"Name : " = "Name : "
"Confirmation" = "Best鋞igung"
"Are your sure you want to delete ^1 ? (This cannot be undone)" = "L鰏chung von ^1 wirklich O.K.? (R點kg鋘gig nicht m鰃lich)"
"Error" = ""
"A database named ^1 already exists." = "Es existiert bereits eine Datenbank ^1"
"Range of command" = "Befehlsreichweite"
"The Whole Tree" = "Der ganze Baum"
"Actual Subview" = "Derzeitige Unteransicht"
"\"Actual subtree\" applies the command to the actual " = "\"Actual subtree\" verwendet den Befehl nur f黵 die derzeitige"
"view, not the children of the selected task !!!" = "Ansicht, nicht die Kinder der gew鋒lten Aufgabe !"
"this note" = "diese Notiz"
"all tasks" = "alle Aufgaben"
"all tasks in this subview" = "alle Aufgaben in dieser Unteransicht"
"all children of this selected task" = "alle Kinder der gew鋒lten Aufgabe"
"this task an all its children" = "diese Aufgabe und alle Kinder"
"all done tasks" = "alle fertigen Aufgaben"
"all done tasks in this view" = "alle fertigen Aufgaben dieses Jahres"
"#$#Comment"="//---------------- Task Properties ---------------------------------"
"Task Properties" = "Aufgabeneigenschaften"
"Task Description" = "Aufgabenbeschreibung"
"Action : " = "Aktion : "
"#$#Comment"="// please change descriptions to non bold ! "
"#$#Comment"="// Please adjust to right side of window!"
"Priority : " = "Priorit鋞"
"#$#Comment"="// too long ! "
"#$#Comment"="// \"Due Date : \" = \"F鋖ligkeitsdatum\""
"Due Date : " = "F鋖lig : "
"#$#Comment"="// position of \"+7\" is to far to the bottom"
"Today" = "Heute"
"Tomorrow" = "Morgen"
"#$#Comment"="// List too narrow !"
"In one week" = "In einer Woche"
"No date" = "Kein Datum"
"Choose date" = "Datum w鋒len"
"ToDo Link : " = "ToDo Link : "
"Category : " = "Kategorie : "
"OK" = "OK"
"Cancel" = "Abbrechen"
"Note" = "Notiz"
"#$#Comment"="// Progress, Numeric, Action, Info = Fortschritt, Zahl, Aufgabe, Info"