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												Xlib Programming Manual: Creating and Storing Databases																15.4 Creating and Storing Databases												A resource database is an opaque type,				XrmDatabase.				Each database value is stored in an				XrmValue				structure.				This structure consists of a size, an address, and a representation type.				The size is specified in bytes.				The representation type is a way for you to store data tagged by some 				application-defined type (for example, the strings ``font'' or ``color'').				It has nothing to do with the C data type or with its class. 				The				XrmValue 				structure is defined as:																								typedef struct {					unsigned int size;					XPointer addr;				} XrmValue, *XrmValuePtr;																				To initialize the resource manager, use				XrmInitialize().																To retrieve a database from disk, use				XrmGetFileDatabase().																To store a copy of a database to disk, use				XrmPutFileDatabase().																To obtain a pointer to the screen independent resources of a display, use				XResourceManagerString().																To obtain a pointer to the screen-specific resources of a screen, use				XScreenResourceString().																To create a database from a string, use				XrmGetStringDatabase().																To obtain locale name of a database, use				XrmLocaleOfDatabase().																To destroy a resource database and free its allocated memory, use				XrmDestroyDatabase().																To associate a resource database with a display, use				XrmSetDatabase().																To get the resource database associated with a display, use				XrmGetDatabase().								Next: Merging Resource Databases								Christophe Tronche,															
