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关键词: liberary linux 图形
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												Xlib Programming Manual: XrmGetFileDatabase																XrmGetFileDatabase								Syntax																				XrmDatabase XrmGetFileDatabase(filename)				     char *filename;																Arguments																 filename				 Specifies the resource database file name.																Description								The				XrmGetFileDatabase()				function opens the specified file,				creates a new resource database, and loads it with the specifications				read in from the specified file.				The specified file should contain a sequence of entries in valid ResourceLine				format (see "Resource File Syntax"); the database that results from reading a file				with incorrect syntax is implementation dependent.				The file is parsed in the current locale, 				and the database is created in the current locale.				If it cannot open the specified file,				XrmGetFileDatabase()				returns NULL.								See also								XrmDestroyDatabase(),				XrmGetDatabase(),				XrmGetResource(),				XrmGetStringDatabase(),				XrmInitialize(),				XrmLocaleOfDatabase(),				XrmPutFileDatabase(),				XrmPutResource(),				XrmSetDataBase(),				"Creating and Storing Databases"								Christophe Tronche,															
