
源代码在线查看: milne.m

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关键词: 数值计算 常用方法 代码
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				function M=milne(f,T,Y)								%Input    - f is the function 				%            - T is the vector of abscissas				%            - Y is the vector of ordinates				%Remark.  The first four coordinates of T and Y must				%               have starting values obtained with RK4				%Output - M=[T' Y'] where T is the vector of abscissas and				%              Y is the vector of ordinates								% If f is an M-file function call M=milne(@f,T,Y).				% If f is an anonymous function call M=milne(f,T,Y).								%  NUMERICAL METHODS: Matlab Programs				% (c) 2004 by John H. Mathews and Kurtis D. Fink				%  Complementary Software to accompany the textbook:				%  NUMERICAL METHODS: Using Matlab, Fourth Edition				%  ISBN: 0-13-065248-2				%  Prentice-Hall Pub. Inc.				%  One Lake Street				%  Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458								n=length(T);				if n								F=zeros(1,4);				F=f(T(1:4),Y(1:4));				h=T(2)-T(1);				pold=0;				yold=0;								for k=4:n-1				   %Predictor				   pnew=Y(k-3)+(4*h/3)*(F(2:4)*[2 -1 2]');				   %Modifier				   pmod=pnew+28*(yold-pold)/29;				   T(k+1)=T(1)+h*k;				   F=[F(2) F(3) F(4) f(T(k+1),pmod)];				   %Corrector				   Y(k+1)=Y(k-1)+(h/3)*(F(2:4)*[1 4 1]');				   pold=pnew;				   yold=Y(k+1);				   F(4)=f(T(k+1),Y(k+1));				end								M=[T' Y'];											
