for news RSS to HTML as ASP

源代码在线查看: future-rss.php

软件大小: 3891 K
上传用户: demonray
关键词: HTML news for RSS
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				// future-rss.php Delayed RSS Item Publisher
				// Version 1.0.1
				// Copyright 2005,2006 NotePage, Inc. all rights reserved
				// NotePage, Inc. grants registerd users of our FeedForAll and/or
				// FeedForAll Mac product(s) the right to install and use the
				// future-rss.php script free of charge.  Please refer to the EULA
				// included in the download for full license terms and conditions.
				# Script setup area
				# $cfg["rss_feed"]='';
				$cfg['fetch_method'] = "fopen"; // fopen, curl
				$cfg['url_override'] = true;   // Warning! security unsafe! 
				                               // use "url" parameter to pass RSS feed to script
				                               // example: http://localhost/rss_proxy.php?url=
							       				$cfg["filter_method"] = "time"; // time - display item if ITEM_TIME 				                                // date - display item if ITEM_TIME 								
				# Script 
				# plz, do not change anything below this line
				# override RSS feed location from URL param
				if ($cfg['url_override'] && $_REQUEST["url"] ) $cfg["rss_feed"] = $_REQUEST["url"];
				# fetch
				$rss = rss_fetch();
				# check
				if (!rss_isValid($rss)) rss_error("Not a valid RSS feed");
				# filter
				$rss = rss_filter($rss);
				# output
				Header("Content-Type: text/xml");
				echo $rss;
				function rss_fetch() {
				  global $cfg;
								  // DO NOT allow use file://				  if (substr($cfg["rss_feed"],0, 7) == 'file://') {				    if (!$result) rss_error("file:// not allowed");
				  }				  				  // fallback to fopen if NOT remote file				  if (substr($cfg["rss_feed"],0, 4) != 'http') {				    $cfg["fetch_method"] = 'fopen';				    				     // security check: file must be in current path or lower
				     $root = dirname(realpath($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]));
				     $feed_path = dirname(realpath($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/".$cfg ["rss_feed"]));
				     if (substr_count($feed_path, $root) != 1) {
				       if (file_exists($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/".$cfg["rss_feed"]))
				         rss_error("Security violation");
				         rss_error("Feed not found");
				  }								  if ($cfg["fetch_method"] == 'fopen') {
				    $result = @file($cfg["rss_feed"]);
				    if (!$result) rss_error("Could not open RSS feed at ".$cfg["rss_feed"]);
				    return join("",$result);
								  if ($cfg["fetch_method"] == 'curl') {
				    $ch = curl_init();
				    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $cfg["rss_feed"]);
				    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
				    $result = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean();
				    if (curl_errno($ch)) { rss_error("CURL Error: ".curl_error($ch)); }
				    return $result;
				function rss_isValid($rss) {
				  if (substr_count($rss,"				  if (substr_count($rss,"				  if (substr_count($rss,"				  if (substr_count($rss,"				  return true;
				  Filter rss items
				function rss_filter($rss) {
				  function make_seed(){list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime());return (float) $sec + ((float) $usec * 100000);}
				  # Preserve CDATA fields				  $cdata_array=array();				  preg_match_all('/				  foreach($tmp[0] as $k => $v) {
				    $id = "CDATA".rand(1, 10000000)."CDATA";
				    $rss = str_replace($v, $id, $rss);
				    $cdata_array[ $id ] = $v;
								  # Extract all RSS items
				  preg_match_all('/(.*?)/is', $rss, $tmp);
				  $rss_array = $tmp[0];
				  # Replace all items with ID
				  $rss_array2 = array();
				  foreach($rss_array as $k => $v) {
				    $id = "RSS".rand(1, 10000000)."RSS";
				    $rss = str_replace($v, $id, $rss);
				    $rss_array2[ $id ] = $v;
				  $rss_array = $rss_array2;
				  # Filter RSS News
				  foreach($rss_array as $k => $v) {
				    if (rss_filter2($v)) $rss_array[$k] = '';
				  # Replace back
				  foreach($rss_array as $k => $v) {
				    $rss = str_replace($k, $v, $rss);
								  # Restore CDATA				  foreach($cdata_array as $k => $v) {
				    $rss = str_replace($k, $v, $rss);
								  return $rss;
				  returns true if RSS Item should NOT be visible
				function rss_filter2($rss) {
				  global $cfg;				  				  # Extract pubDate
				  if (!preg_match('/(.*?)/is', $rss, $out)) return false;
				  $pubDate = $out[1];				  $pubDate_unix = strtotime($pubDate);				  				  $filterDate = time();								  // If filter=date display all today items				  if ($cfg["filter_method"] == 'date') $filterDate = mktime( 23, 59, 59, date("m",$filterDate), date("d",$filterDate), date("Y",$filterDate) );				  				  				  if ( $pubDate_unix > $filterDate) return true;
				  return false;
				function rss_error($error) {
				  $now = date("r");
				RSS Proxy
				 Error in RSS Feed
