Future RSS PHP Script Documentation
Version 1.0
The future-rss.php script is used to automatically delay the publication of Items in an RSS feed. This allows Items in a RSS feed to be created ahead of time, and then slowly released over a period of time. Many people have tried to set the PubDate field on their RSS feed Items to a future date and time, in an attempt to have that particular item become 'visible' to their feed's subscribers on that particular date and time. Unfortunately, they will soon find out that many RSS readers and aggregators don't honor future PubDates, and immediately show all their feed's items. The future-rss.php script 'hides' the future items from RSS feed readers and aggregators, until their PubDate becomes current.
How it Works:
Point the future-rss.php script to your RSS feed's location (either using a local path, or an URL), and then use the URL of the future-rss.php script as your feed's address (the link you make available to your users).
Example Usage:
Let's say you have an existing RSS feed at http://www.mydomain.com/myfeed.xml that you want to add bulk content to, and then have it automatically make a new item available each day.
1. The first thing you would do is set the PubDate field for each of the feed's items to a future day (each item, one more day into the future).
2. Next, copy the future-rss.php script into the same folder on your webserver as your feed.
3. With a text editor, edit the souce of the future-rss.php script, and change the line near the beginning of the script that reads:
*Note: you can use an URL in this line if the feed is on a remote computer
5. You might want to rename the script from 'future-rss.php' to something more similar to your feed's title, like 'myfeed.php', in this case.
6. To test, simply enter the URL of the script into a browser.
Copyright & License Info:
Copyright 2005,2006 NotePage, Inc. all rights reserved
NotePage, Inc. grants registerd users of our FeedForAll and/or
FeedForAll Mac product(s) the right to install and use the
future-rss.php script free of charge. Please refer to the EULA
included in the download for full license terms and conditions.