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源代码在线查看: soc-gr-tb.v

软件大小: 394 K
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				/* soc-gr-tb.v -- test bench (simulation only)
				 * Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, Gray Research LLC.  All rights reserved.
				 * The contents of this file are subject to the XSOC License Agreement;
				 * you may not use this file except in compliance with this Agreement.
				 * See the LICENSE file.
				 * (Derived from code originally contributed by Mike Butts)
				//`timescale 1ns / 100ps
				module grt();
					parameter W=16;   // width
					parameter N=W-1;  // index of MSB
					parameter AN=W-1; // address MSB
					reg clk, rst_nxt, rst;
					reg intreq;
				    wire [7:0] i = 'h11;
				    wire [7:0] o;
					soc s(clk, rst, i, o);
					initial begin
						$readmemh ("raml.mem", s.raml.mem);
						$readmemh ("ramh.mem", s.ramh.mem);
						clk = 1;
						rst = 1;
						rst_nxt = 1;
						intreq = 0;
						$display($time,, "                                                                                    H                                        L");
					always #5 clk = ~clk;	// 100 MHz
					always @(posedge clk) begin
						rst 						rst_nxt 					end
					always @(posedge clk) begin
						if ($time % 200 == 101) intreq = 1;
						else if ($time % 200 == 111) intreq = 0;
						if ($time % 200 == 12)
							$display($time,, "ip ok in rs ce   pc i_ad insn hi rf    a    b  sum  d_ad rd sw sb dout  lw lb data  rs we en ada di do  rs we en adb di do   rs we en ada di do  rs we en adb di do");
						$display($time,, " %h  %h  %h  %h  %h %4h %4h %4h  %h  %h %4h %4h %4h  %4h  %h  %h  %h %4h   %h  %h %4h   %h  %h  %h %3h %2h %2h   %h  %h  %h %3h %2h %2h    %h  %h  %h %3h %2h %2h   %h  %h  %h %3h %2h %2h",
							s.p.int_pend, s.p.int_en, s.p.int, s.rst, s.insn_ce, s.p.p.pc, s.i_ad, s.p.p.insn, s.p.p.hit, s.p.p.rf_we, s.p.p.a, s.p.p.b, s.p.p.sum, s.d_ad, s.rdy, s.sw, s.sb, s.do, s.lw, s.lb, s.data,
				    s.ramh.RSTA, s.ramh.WEA, s.ramh.ENA,
					s.ramh.ADDRA, s.ramh.DIA, s.ramh.DOA,
					s.ramh.RSTB, s.ramh.WEB, s.ramh.ENB,
					s.ramh.ADDRB, s.ramh.DIB, s.ramh.DOB,
				    s.raml.RSTA, s.raml.WEA, s.raml.ENA,
					s.raml.ADDRA, s.raml.DIA, s.raml.DOA,
					s.raml.RSTB, s.raml.WEB, s.raml.ENB,
					s.raml.ADDRB, s.raml.DIB, s.raml.DOB);
						if ($time > 5000 || ($time > 100 && s.i_ad == 'h20)) $finish;
