FPGA自FX2 slavefifo中读取数据

源代码在线查看: top.bgn

软件大小: 280 K
上传用户: zxg7980
关键词: slavefifo FPGA FX2 读取
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				Release 6.2i - Bitgen G.28				Copyright (c) 1995-2004 Xilinx, Inc.  All rights reserved.								Loading device database for application Bitgen from file "top.ncd".				   "top" is an NCD, version 2.38, device xc3s400, package pq208, speed -4				Loading device for application Bitgen from file '3s400.nph' in environment
				D:/install/Xilinx.				Opened constraints file top.pcf.								Fri Dec 15 10:35:36 2006								D:/install/Xilinx/bin/nt/bitgen.exe -intstyle ise -w -g DebugBitstream:No -g Binary:no -g CRC:Enable -g ConfigRate:6 -g CclkPin:PullUp -g M0Pin:PullUp -g M1Pin:PullUp -g M2Pin:PullUp -g ProgPin:PullUp -g DonePin:PullUp -g TckPin:PullUp -g TdiPin:PullUp -g TdoPin:PullUp -g TmsPin:PullUp -g UnusedPin:PullDown -g UserID:0xFFFFFFFF -g DCMShutDown:Disable -g StartUpClk:CClk -g DONE_cycle:4 -g GTS_cycle:5 -g GWE_cycle:6 -g LCK_cycle:NoWait -g Match_cycle:Auto -g Security:None -g Persist:No -m -g ReadBack -g DonePipe:No -g DriveDone:No top.ncd 				
				Summary of Bitgen Options:
				| Option Name          | Current Setting      |
				| Compress             | (Not Specified)*     |
				| Readback             | (Enabled)            |
				| CRC                  | Enable**             |
				| DebugBitstream       | No**                 |
				| ConfigRate           | 6**                  |
				| StartupClk           | Cclk**               |
				| DCMShutdown          | Disable**            |
				| DCIUpdateMode        | AsRequired*          |
				| CclkPin              | Pullup**             |
				| DonePin              | Pullup**             |
				| HswapenPin           | Pullup*              |
				| M0Pin                | Pullup**             |
				| M1Pin                | Pullup**             |
				| M2Pin                | Pullup**             |
				| ProgPin              | Pullup**             |
				| TckPin               | Pullup**             |
				| TdiPin               | Pullup**             |
				| TdoPin               | Pullup**             |
				| TmsPin               | Pullup**             |
				| UnusedPin            | Pulldown**           |
				| GWE_cycle            | 6**                  |
				| GTS_cycle            | 5**                  |
				| LCK_cycle            | NoWait**             |
				| Match_cycle          | Auto**               |
				| DONE_cycle           | 4**                  |
				| Persist              | No**                 |
				| DriveDone            | No**                 |
				| DonePipe             | No**                 |
				| Security             | None**               |
				| UserID               | 0xFFFFFFFF**         |
				| ActivateGclk         | No*                  |
				| ActiveReconfig       | No*                  |
				| PartialMask0         | (Not Specified)*     |
				| PartialMask1         | (Not Specified)*     |
				| PartialMask2         | (Not Specified)*     |
				| PartialGclk          | (Not Specified)*     |
				| PartialLeft          | (Not Specified)*     |
				| PartialRight         | (Not Specified)*     |
				| IEEE1532             | No*                  |
				| Binary               | No**                 |
				 *  Default setting.
				 ** The specified setting matches the default setting.
				Running DRC.				DRC detected 0 errors and 0 warnings.				Creating bit map...				Saving bit stream in "top.bit".				Saving Readback bit file top.rbb.				Saving Readback golden data file top.rbd.				Saving mask data in "top.msd".				Creating bit mask...				Saving mask bit stream in "top.msk".				Bitstream generation is complete.							
