SharpDevelop2.0.0 c#开发免费工具

源代码在线查看: booc.rsp

软件大小: 14673 K
上传用户: yl810406
关键词: SharpDevelop
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				# This file contains command-line options that the Boo				# command-line compiler (booc) will process as part				# of every compilation, unless the "-noconfig" option				# is specified. 								# Reference the common Framework libraries				#-r:System (already included by boo)				#-r:System.Data 				-r:System.Drawing				#-r:System.Management				#-r:System.Messaging				#-r:System.Runtime.Remoting				#-r:System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap				# does not work nicely on mono				-r:System.Security				#-r:System.ServiceProcess				#-r:System.Web				#-r:System.Web.Services				#-r:System.Windows.Forms				-r:System.Xml							
