%{ /* * $Id: scanner.l,v 1.5 2001/06/22 16:29:13 gram Exp $ * * Ethereal - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 2001 Gerald Combs * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include "glib-util.h" #include "dfilter-int.h" #include "syntax-tree.h" #include "grammar.h" #define LVAL df_lval #define LVAL_TYPE stnode_t* #define LVAL_INIT_VAL NULL #define MODNAME df #include /*#undef YY_NO_UNPUT*/ static int set_lval(int token, gpointer data); static int set_lval_int(int token, char *s); static int simple(int token); static gboolean str_to_guint32(char *s, guint32* pint); %} %x RANGE_INT %x RANGE_PUNCT %% [[:blank:]\n]+ /* ignore whitespace */ "(" return simple(TOKEN_LPAREN); ")" return simple(TOKEN_RPAREN); "/" return simple(TOKEN_SLASH); "==" return simple(TOKEN_TEST_EQ); "eq" return simple(TOKEN_TEST_EQ); "!=" return simple(TOKEN_TEST_NE); "ne" return simple(TOKEN_TEST_NE); ">" return simple(TOKEN_TEST_GT); "gt" return simple(TOKEN_TEST_GT); ">=" return simple(TOKEN_TEST_GE); "ge" return simple(TOKEN_TEST_GE); " "lt" return simple(TOKEN_TEST_LT); " "le" return simple(TOKEN_TEST_LE); "!" return simple(TOKEN_TEST_NOT); "not" return simple(TOKEN_TEST_NOT); "&&" return simple(TOKEN_TEST_AND); "and" return simple(TOKEN_TEST_AND); "||" return simple(TOKEN_TEST_OR); "or" return simple(TOKEN_TEST_OR); "[" { BEGIN(RANGE_INT); return simple(TOKEN_LBRACKET); } [+-]?[[:digit:]]+ { BEGIN(RANGE_PUNCT); return set_lval_int(TOKEN_INTEGER, yytext); } [+-]?0x[[:xdigit:]]+ { BEGIN(RANGE_PUNCT); return set_lval_int(TOKEN_INTEGER, yytext); } ":" { BEGIN(RANGE_INT); return simple(TOKEN_COLON); } "-" { BEGIN(RANGE_INT); return simple(TOKEN_HYPHEN); } "," { BEGIN(RANGE_INT); return simple(TOKEN_COMMA); } "]" { BEGIN(INITIAL); return simple(TOKEN_RBRACKET); } \"[^"]*\" { return set_lval(TOKEN_STRING, g_substrdup(yytext, 1, -2)); } [[:alnum:]_.:]+ { /* Is it a field name? */ header_field_info *hfinfo; hfinfo = dfilter_lookup_token(yytext); if (hfinfo) { /* Yes, it's a field name */ return set_lval(TOKEN_FIELD, hfinfo); } else { /* No, so treat it as a string */ return set_lval(TOKEN_STRING, g_strdup(yytext)); } } . { /* Default */ return set_lval(TOKEN_STRING, g_strdup(yytext)); } %% static int simple(int token) { switch (token) { case TOKEN_LPAREN: case TOKEN_RPAREN: case TOKEN_LBRACKET: case TOKEN_RBRACKET: case TOKEN_COLON: case TOKEN_COMMA: case TOKEN_HYPHEN: case TOKEN_SLASH: case TOKEN_TEST_EQ: case TOKEN_TEST_NE: case TOKEN_TEST_GT: case TOKEN_TEST_GE: case TOKEN_TEST_LT: case TOKEN_TEST_LE: case TOKEN_TEST_NOT: case TOKEN_TEST_AND: case TOKEN_TEST_OR: break; default: g_assert_not_reached(); } return token; } static int set_lval(int token, gpointer data) { sttype_id_t type_id = STTYPE_UNINITIALIZED; switch (token) { case TOKEN_STRING: type_id = STTYPE_STRING; break; case TOKEN_FIELD: type_id = STTYPE_FIELD; break; default: g_assert_not_reached(); } stnode_init(df_lval, type_id, data); return token; } static int set_lval_int(int token, char *s) { sttype_id_t type_id = STTYPE_UNINITIALIZED; guint32 val; if (!str_to_guint32(s, &val)) { return 0; } switch (token) { case TOKEN_INTEGER: type_id = STTYPE_INTEGER; break; default: g_assert_not_reached(); } stnode_init_int(df_lval, type_id, val); return token; } static gboolean str_to_guint32(char *s, guint32* pint) { char *endptr; guint32 integer; integer = strtoul(s, &endptr, 0); if (endptr == s || *endptr != '\0') { /* This isn't a valid number. */ dfilter_fail("\"%s\" is not a valid number.", s); return FALSE; } if (errno == ERANGE) { if (integer == ULONG_MAX) { dfilter_fail("\"%s\" causes an integer overflow.", s); } else { dfilter_fail("\"%s\" is not an integer.", s); } return FALSE; } *pint = integer; return TRUE; } #include