
源代码在线查看: scanner.l

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关键词: ethereal aodv 路由协议 代码
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				%{				/*				 * $Id: scanner.l,v 1.5 2001/06/22 16:29:13 gram Exp $				 *				 * Ethereal - Network traffic analyzer				 * By Gerald Combs 				 * Copyright 2001 Gerald Combs				 *				 * 				 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or				 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License				 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2				 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.				 * 				 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,				 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of				 * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the				 * GNU General Public License for more details.				 * 				 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License				 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software				 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.				 */								#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H				#include "config.h"				#endif								#include 				#include 								#include "glib-util.h"				#include "dfilter-int.h"				#include "syntax-tree.h"				#include "grammar.h"								#define LVAL		df_lval				#define LVAL_TYPE	stnode_t*				#define LVAL_INIT_VAL	NULL				#define MODNAME		df								#include 								/*#undef YY_NO_UNPUT*/								static int set_lval(int token, gpointer data);				static int set_lval_int(int token, char *s);				static int simple(int token);				static gboolean str_to_guint32(char *s, guint32* pint);								%}								%x RANGE_INT				%x RANGE_PUNCT												%%								[[:blank:]\n]+	/* ignore whitespace */																"("				return simple(TOKEN_LPAREN);				")"				return simple(TOKEN_RPAREN);				"/"				return simple(TOKEN_SLASH);								"=="				return simple(TOKEN_TEST_EQ);				"eq"				return simple(TOKEN_TEST_EQ);				"!="				return simple(TOKEN_TEST_NE);				"ne"				return simple(TOKEN_TEST_NE);				">"				return simple(TOKEN_TEST_GT);				"gt"				return simple(TOKEN_TEST_GT);				">="				return simple(TOKEN_TEST_GE);				"ge"				return simple(TOKEN_TEST_GE);				"				"lt"				return simple(TOKEN_TEST_LT);				"				"le"				return simple(TOKEN_TEST_LE);								"!"				return simple(TOKEN_TEST_NOT);				"not"				return simple(TOKEN_TEST_NOT);				"&&"				return simple(TOKEN_TEST_AND);				"and"				return simple(TOKEN_TEST_AND);				"||"				return simple(TOKEN_TEST_OR);				"or"				return simple(TOKEN_TEST_OR);																"["					{					BEGIN(RANGE_INT);					return simple(TOKEN_LBRACKET);				}								[+-]?[[:digit:]]+		{					BEGIN(RANGE_PUNCT);					return set_lval_int(TOKEN_INTEGER, yytext);				}				[+-]?0x[[:xdigit:]]+		{					BEGIN(RANGE_PUNCT);					return set_lval_int(TOKEN_INTEGER, yytext);				}								":"		{					BEGIN(RANGE_INT);					return simple(TOKEN_COLON);				}								"-"			{					BEGIN(RANGE_INT);					return simple(TOKEN_HYPHEN);				}								","		{					BEGIN(RANGE_INT);					return simple(TOKEN_COMMA);				}								"]"		{					BEGIN(INITIAL);					return simple(TOKEN_RBRACKET);				}												\"[^"]*\"				{					return set_lval(TOKEN_STRING, g_substrdup(yytext, 1, -2));				}																[[:alnum:]_.:]+	{					/* Is it a field name? */					header_field_info *hfinfo;									hfinfo = dfilter_lookup_token(yytext);					if (hfinfo) {						/* Yes, it's a field name */						return set_lval(TOKEN_FIELD, hfinfo);					}					else {						/* No, so treat it as a string */						return set_lval(TOKEN_STRING, g_strdup(yytext));					}				}								. {					/* Default */					return set_lval(TOKEN_STRING, g_strdup(yytext));				}												%%								static int				simple(int token)				{					switch (token) {						case TOKEN_LPAREN:						case TOKEN_RPAREN:						case TOKEN_LBRACKET:						case TOKEN_RBRACKET:						case TOKEN_COLON:						case TOKEN_COMMA:						case TOKEN_HYPHEN:						case TOKEN_SLASH:						case TOKEN_TEST_EQ:						case TOKEN_TEST_NE:						case TOKEN_TEST_GT:						case TOKEN_TEST_GE:						case TOKEN_TEST_LT:						case TOKEN_TEST_LE:						case TOKEN_TEST_NOT:						case TOKEN_TEST_AND:						case TOKEN_TEST_OR:							break;						default:							g_assert_not_reached();					}					return token;				}								static int				set_lval(int token, gpointer data)				{					sttype_id_t	type_id = STTYPE_UNINITIALIZED;									switch (token) {						case TOKEN_STRING:							type_id = STTYPE_STRING;							break;						case TOKEN_FIELD:							type_id = STTYPE_FIELD;							break;						default:							g_assert_not_reached();					}									stnode_init(df_lval, type_id, data);					return token;				}								static int				set_lval_int(int token, char *s)				{					sttype_id_t	type_id = STTYPE_UNINITIALIZED;					guint32		val;									if (!str_to_guint32(s, &val)) {						return 0;					}										switch (token) {						case TOKEN_INTEGER:							type_id = STTYPE_INTEGER;							break;						default:							g_assert_not_reached();					}									stnode_init_int(df_lval, type_id, val);					return token;				}												static gboolean				str_to_guint32(char *s, guint32* pint)				{					char    *endptr;					guint32	integer;									integer = strtoul(s, &endptr, 0);									if (endptr == s || *endptr != '\0') {						/* This isn't a valid number. */						dfilter_fail("\"%s\" is not a valid number.", s);						return FALSE;					}					if (errno == ERANGE) {						if (integer == ULONG_MAX) {							dfilter_fail("\"%s\" causes an integer overflow.", s);						}						else {							dfilter_fail("\"%s\" is not an integer.", s);						}						return FALSE;					}									*pint = integer;					return TRUE;				}								#include 							
