
源代码在线查看: mdlprint1.bas

软件大小: 1974 K
上传用户: tsdtz
关键词: 编写 程序 数据库
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				Attribute VB_Name = "mdlPrint1"
				'FIXIT: 使用 Option Explicit 可以避免隐式创建 Variant 类型的变量                                          FixIT90210ae-R383-H1984
				Dim PageLeft As Single
				Dim PageTop As Single
				Private Type printtext
				   caption As String
				   X As Single
				   y As Single
				   strfont As String
				   strsize As Integer
				End Type
				Private Type cell
				   x1 As Single
				   y1 As Single
				   x2 As Single
				   y2 As Single
				   LineWidth As Integer
				   str As printtext
				End Type
				Public Type PageSetting
				    sngPageLeft As Single
				    sngPageTop As Single
				    sngPageWidth As Single
				    sngPageHeight As Single
				    sngDirect As Single        '打印方向
				End Type
				Public Sub PrintPage(myPage As PageSetting, _
				                    strTitle As String, strHead1 As String, _
				                    strHead2 As String, strHead3 As String, _
				                    Grid As MSFlexGrid, Gridcols As String, _
				                    RowsHeight As Single, LineWidth As Integer)
				Const HeadHeight = 6
				'FIXIT: 升级向导未将 Printer 对象和 Printers 集合升级到 Visual Basic .NET。                               FixIT90210ae-R5481-H1984
				Printer.ScaleMode = 6
				'FIXIT: 升级向导未将 Printer 对象和 Printers 集合升级到 Visual Basic .NET。                               FixIT90210ae-R5481-H1984
				Printer.Orientation = myPage.sngDirect   '打印方向
				PageLeft = myPage.sngPageLeft
				PageTop = myPage.sngPageTop
				'PageLeft = 0
				'PageTop = 0
				Dim AllPages As Long  '总页数
				Dim RowsPerPage As Long '每页表格行的数量
				Dim PerPages As Long '每页的循环变量
				Const GridLeft = 0
				Const GridTop = 15 + HeadHeight * 2
				RowsPerPage = Int((myPage.sngPageHeight - GridTop - RowsHeight - 15) / RowsHeight) '计算每页的表格行数不包括列头
				AllPages = Int((Grid.Rows - 1 + 0.1) / RowsPerPage) + 1
				Dim ScaleWidth As Single '表格总宽 计算比例时用
				Dim mycols() As String '存储要打印的列的一维数组
				mycols = Split(Gridcols, ",")
				Dim MyColX(20) As Single '每一列左右坐标,第0列是mycolx(0)-mycolx(1)
				MyColX(0) = 0
				For i = 0 To UBound(mycols)
				'FIXIT: Visual Basic .NET 中不支持在运行时更改 "ColWidth(i)"                                         FixIT90210ae-R8024-R57265
				ScaleWidth = ScaleWidth + Grid.ColWidth(i)
				MyColX(i + 1) = ScaleWidth
				Next i
				For PerPages = 1 To AllPages '每页循环
				    Dim titleLonger As Long  '-标题共长多少字节
				    Dim titleLeft As Single
				    titleLonger = LenB(strTitle)
				    titleLeft = (myPage.sngPageWidth - titleLonger * 4) / 2
				    printCellOut 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, titleLeft, 0, strTitle, "宋体", 18
				    printCellOut 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 15, strHead1, "", 12
				    printCellOut 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 15 + HeadHeight, strHead2, "", 12
				    Dim HeadLeft3 As Single
				    HeadLeft3 = myPage.sngPageWidth - (LenB(strHead3) * 2)
				    printCellOut 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, HeadLeft3, 15 + HeadHeight, strHead3, "", 12
				'FIXIT: 用早期绑定的数据类型声明 "NowCol"                                                              FixIT90210ae-R1672-R1B8ZE
				    Dim NowCol, NowRow As Long
				    NowRow = 0
				    For NowCol = 0 To UBound(mycols)
				        printCellOut GridLeft + (MyColX(NowCol) / ScaleWidth * myPage.sngPageWidth), GridTop + RowsHeight * NowRow, _
				                     GridLeft + (MyColX(NowCol + 1) / ScaleWidth * myPage.sngPageWidth), GridTop + RowsHeight * (NowRow + 1), _
				                     LineWidth, GridLeft + (MyColX(NowCol) / ScaleWidth * myPage.sngPageWidth) + 2, GridTop + RowsHeight * NowRow + 2, _
				                     Grid.TextMatrix(NowRow, mycols(NowCol)), "宋体", 8
				    Next NowCol
				    For NowRow = 1 To RowsPerPage
				        If Not (NowRow + (PerPages - 1) * RowsPerPage) > Grid.Rows - 1 Then
				            For NowCol = 0 To UBound(mycols)
				                printCellOut GridLeft + (MyColX(NowCol) / ScaleWidth * myPage.sngPageWidth), GridTop + RowsHeight * NowRow, _
				                             GridLeft + (MyColX(NowCol + 1) / ScaleWidth * myPage.sngPageWidth), GridTop + RowsHeight * (NowRow + 1), _
				                             LineWidth, GridLeft + (MyColX(NowCol) / ScaleWidth * myPage.sngPageWidth) + 2, GridTop + RowsHeight * NowRow + 2, _
				                             Grid.TextMatrix(NowRow + (PerPages - 1) * RowsPerPage, mycols(NowCol)), "宋体", 8
				            Next NowCol
				        End If
				    Next NowRow
				        printCellOut 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, (myPage.sngPageWidth - 12) / 2, GridTop + RowsHeight * (NowRow + 1) + 2, "第" + CStr(PerPages) + "页", "", 12
				'FIXIT: 升级向导未将 Printer 对象和 Printers 集合升级到 Visual Basic .NET。                               FixIT90210ae-R5481-H1984
				Next PerPages
				'FIXIT: 升级向导未将 Printer 对象和 Printers 集合升级到 Visual Basic .NET。                               FixIT90210ae-R5481-H1984
				 Printer.Orientation = myPage.sngDirect
				MsgBox "打印完成!  ", vbInformation, "Hello"
				End Sub
				Private Sub printcell(prncell As cell)
				    On Error GoTo err1
				'FIXIT: 升级向导未将 Printer 对象和 Printers 集合升级到 Visual Basic .NET。                               FixIT90210ae-R5481-H1984
				    Printer.ScaleMode = 6
				    If Not prncell.LineWidth = 0 Then
				'FIXIT: 升级向导未将 Printer 对象和 Printers 集合升级到 Visual Basic .NET。                               FixIT90210ae-R5481-H1984
				    Printer.DrawWidth = prncell.LineWidth
				    End If
				'FIXIT: 升级向导未将 Printer 对象和 Printers 集合升级到 Visual Basic .NET。                               FixIT90210ae-R5481-H1984
				    If Not Printer.FillColor = 0 Then
				'FIXIT: 升级向导未将 Printer 对象和 Printers 集合升级到 Visual Basic .NET。                               FixIT90210ae-R5481-H1984
				    Printer.Line (prncell.x1, prncell.y1)-(prncell.x2, prncell.y2), , BF
				'FIXIT: 升级向导未将 Printer 对象和 Printers 集合升级到 Visual Basic .NET。                               FixIT90210ae-R5481-H1984
				    Printer.FillStyle = 1
				'FIXIT: 升级向导未将 Printer 对象和 Printers 集合升级到 Visual Basic .NET。                               FixIT90210ae-R5481-H1984
				    Printer.Line (prncell.x1, prncell.y1)-(prncell.x2, prncell.y2), , B
				    End If
				    If prncell.str.strfont = "" Then
				        prncell.str.strfont = "宋体"
				    End If
				'FIXIT: 升级向导未将 Printer 对象和 Printers 集合升级到 Visual Basic .NET。                               FixIT90210ae-R5481-H1984
				    Printer.Font = prncell.str.strfont
				    If prncell.str.strsize = 0 Then
				        prncell.str.strsize = 12
				    End If
				'FIXIT: 升级向导未将 Printer 对象和 Printers 集合升级到 Visual Basic .NET。                               FixIT90210ae-R5481-H1984
				    Printer.FontSize = prncell.str.strsize
				'FIXIT: 升级向导未将 Printer 对象和 Printers 集合升级到 Visual Basic .NET。                               FixIT90210ae-R5481-H1984
				    Printer.CurrentX = prncell.str.X
				'FIXIT: 升级向导未将 Printer 对象和 Printers 集合升级到 Visual Basic .NET。                               FixIT90210ae-R5481-H1984
				    Printer.CurrentY = prncell.str.y
				'FIXIT: 升级向导未将 Printer 对象和 Printers 集合升级到 Visual Basic .NET。                               FixIT90210ae-R5481-H1984
				    Printer.Print prncell.str.caption
				Exit Sub
				    MsgBox "打印报表错误:" & Err.Description, vbExclamation, "hello!"
				End Sub
				Private Sub printCellOut(x1 As Single, y1 As Single, x2 As Single, y2 As Single _
				                        , LineWidth As Integer, _
				                        strx As Single, stry As Single, _
				                        strcaption As String, strfont As String, _
				                        strsize As Integer)
				Dim printWords As cell
				printWords.x1 = x1 + PageLeft
				printWords.y1 = y1 + PageTop
				printWords.x2 = x2 + PageLeft
				printWords.y2 = y2 + PageTop
				printWords.LineWidth = LineWidth
				printWords.str.X = strx + PageLeft
				printWords.str.y = stry + PageTop
				printWords.str.caption = strcaption
				printWords.str.strfont = strfont
				printWords.str.strsize = strsize
				If printWords.x2 < 0 Then
				printWords.x2 = 0
				End If
				If printWords.x1 < 0 Then
				    printWords.x1 = 0
				End If
				If printWords.y1 < 0 Then
				    printWords.y1 = 0
				End If
				If printWords.y2 < 0 Then
				printWords.y2 = 0
				End If
				If printWords.str.X < 0 Then
				    printWords.str.X = 0
				End If
				If printWords.str.y < 0 Then
				printWords.str.y = 0
				End If
				printcell printWords
				End Sub
