源代码在线查看: pldpart.bas

软件大小: 14321 K
上传用户: jzdhsqqi
关键词: ORCAD 绿色版
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				' PLDPART.BAS Version 8/22/97
				' OrCAD Express Version 7.10
				' This macro will let you assign OrCAD part/symbol properties to
				' parts in the Express schematic editor.  Select the part and then
				' run the macro to add the properties for OrCAD Express PAL/GAL/PROM fitter.
				SUB OrCADPLDPartProps1
					'MACROMENU Set OrCAD PLD Part Properties
					'MACROKEY Ctrl+F1
					'MACRODESCRIPTION Set OrCAD Part Properties
				Begin Dialog OrCADPLDPartProps1Dlg 16, 10, 275, 64, "Set OrCAD Part Properties"
					Text 8, 8, 56, 8, "CVALUE"
					TextBox 70, 8, 144, 12, .CVALUE
					Text 8, 24, 56, 8, "&SVALUE"
					TextBox 70, 24, 144, 12, .SVALUE
					OKButton 224, 8, 40, 14
					CancelButton 224, 28, 40, 14
				End Dialog
				' Show the dialog
				Dim OrCADdlg1 As OrCADPLDPartProps1Dlg
				Status = Dialog(OrCADdlg1)
				' User hit OK ---> set properties
				IF Status = -1 THEN
					IF Len(OrCADdlg1.CVALUE) > 0 THEN
						SetProperty "GENERIC=CVALUE", OrCADdlg1.CVALUE
						DisplayProperty "GENERIC=CVALUE", "", 0, FALSE, FALSE, 48, 0
					END IF
					IF Len(OrCADdlg1.SVALUE) > 0 THEN
						SetProperty "GENERIC=SVALUE", OrCADdlg1.SVALUE
						DisplayProperty "GENERIC=SVALUE", "", 0, FALSE, FALSE, 48, 0
					END IF
				END IF
