motorola自己开发的针对coldfire 5272的Dbug bootloader程序

源代码在线查看: sdram.dld

软件大小: 1260 K
上传用户: SLing2008
关键词: bootloader motorola coldfire 5272
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				 * File:		sdram.dld
				 * Purpose:		Linker file for the M5272C3 Rev 2.0 and earlier
				 * Notes:		dBUG running in SDRAM
					sdram		: org = 0x00000000, len = 0x00400000
					vector_ram	: org = 0x00000000, len = 0x00000400
					user_space	: org = 0x00020000, len = 0x00FE0000
					mbar		: org = 0x10000000, len = 0x00001800
					sram		: org = 0x20000000, len = 0x00001000
					ext_sram	: org = 0x30000000, len = 0x00080000
					flash	 	: org = 0xFFE00000, len = 0x00200000	
					vector_rom	: org = 0xFFE00000, len = 0x00004000
					params		: org = 0xFFE04000, len = 0x00002000
					dbug		: org = 0xFFE08000, len = 0x00038000
					.vectors :
						vectors.o (.text)
					} > sdram
					.text :
					} > sdram
						.data :
							___DATA_ROM = .;
							___DATA_RAM = .;
							___DATA_END = .;
						.bss (BSS) :
							___BSS_START = .;
							___BSS_END = .;
							___HEAP_START	= .;
							.				= . + 4;
							___HEAP_END		= .;
							___PARAMS_START	= .;
							.				= . + 0x48;
							___PARAMS_END	= .;
							___SP_END		= .;
							.				= . + 0xC00;
							___SP_INIT		= .;
					} > sdram
				___MBAR				= ADDR(mbar);
				___VECTOR_RAM		= ADDR(vector_ram);
				___SDRAM			= ADDR(sdram);
				___SDRAM_SIZE		= SIZEOF(sdram);
				___SRAM				= ADDR(sram);
				___SRAM_SIZE		= SIZEOF(sram);
				___EXT_SRAM			= ADDR(ext_sram);
				___EXT_SRAM_SIZE	= SIZEOF(ext_sram);
				___FLASH			= ADDR(flash);
				___FLASH_SIZE		= SIZEOF(flash);
				___PARAMS			= ADDR(params);
				___DBUG_ADDRESS		= ADDR(vector_rom);
				___DBUG_CODE_START	= ADDR(dbug);
				___DBUG_CODE_SIZE	= SIZEOF(dbug);
				___DBUG_SIZE		= 0x00040000;
				___VECTORS_ROM		= ADDR(vector_rom);
				___VECTORS_RAM		= ADDR(vector_ram);
				___VECTORS_SIZE		= SIZEOF(.vectors);
				___USER_SPACE		= ADDR(user_space);
				___USER_SPACE_SIZE	= SIZEOF(user_space);
				/* Is this linked to run in ROM? */
				___Running_in_ROM	= 0x0;		
