外部SRAM与C8051F000接口 Copyright (C) 2000 CYGNAL INTEGRATED PRODUCTS, INC. All rights reserved. FILE N

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关键词: INTEGRATED C8051F000 Copyright PRODUCTS
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				; 	All rights reserved.
				; 	FILE NAME  	: Sram.ASM 
				; 	TARGET MCU	: C8051F000
				; 	DESCRIPTION	: External Sram read/write verification routine for
				;									IDT 71V124SA.    
				; Constants and Declarations
				DATA1		EQU	P3				; port for DATA pins(AD7..0)
				DATACF	EQU	PRT3CF		; port configuration register for DATA
				ADDR		EQU	P2				; port for ADDR pins(A15..8)
				ADDRCF	EQU	PRT2CF		; port configuration register for ADDR
				A16			EQU	P1.5			; upper address bit(address bank select)
				RD			EQU	P1.4			; READ strobe (activelow)
				WR			EQU	P1.3			; WRITE strobe (activelow)
				ALE			EQU	P1.2			; address latch signal(active low)
				CS			EQU	P1.1			; SRAM chip select(active low)
				; Reset Vector
						org	00h					
						ljmp	Main
								org	0B3h
								; Disable the WDT. (IRQs not enabled at this point.)
								; if interrupts were enabled, we would need to explicitly disable
								; them so that the following two instructions were guaranteed to
								; to execute within 4 clock cycles of each other.
								mov		WDTCN, #0DEh
								mov		WDTCN, #0ADh
								; Set up the XBar.
								mov	XBR2, #40h			; Weak pull-ups, XBAR enabled.
								lcall		SRAM_Init		; Initialize SRAM
								mov		R0, #0ffh
								mov		DPH, #00h			; initialize 16bit address
								mov		DPL, #00h			;
								mov		a, R0					; load write value
								; Loop will write a value to ram, read it, then verify the value
								lcall		SRAM_Write			;write to sram
								clr		a							; clear load value
							  lcall		SRAM_Read		; read same address
								cjne	a, 00h, error
								inc 	dptr					; next address
								mov		a, DPH				; check dptr for finished	
								orl		a, DPL				;
								jz		b1done				; we are finished with the first 64k bank if dptr rolls over				
								mov		a, R0					; reload write value
								jmp		loop					; write; read; and verify again
								orl	P1, #00111010b		;  change to bank 2
								mov		R0, #0ffh
								mov		DPH, #00h			; initialize 16bit address
								mov		DPL, #00h			;
								mov		a, R0					; load write value
								; Loop will write a value to ram, read it, then verify the value
								lcall		SRAM_Write			;write to sram
								clr		a							; clear load value
							  lcall		SRAM_Read		; read same address
								cjne	a, 00h, error
								inc 	dptr					; next address
								mov		a, DPH				; check dptr for finished	
								orl		a, DPL				;
								jz		b2done				; we are finished with the first 64k bank if dptr rolls over				
								mov		a, R0					; reload write value
								jmp		loop1					; write; read; and verify again				
				b2done:	jmp		$							; 
				error:	jmp		$							; a verification error has occured
				; SRAM_Init
				; This routine initializes the SRAM interface logic.  Must be calledonce
				; before any SRAM_Read or SRAM_Write operations, typically as part ofthe 
				; reset sequence.  This routine assumes that the crossbar has alreadybeen
				; enabled (XBR2.6 = '1').
					mov	DATACF, #00h		; Enable Port3 (DATA) as aninput bus
					mov	DATA1, #0ffh
					mov	ADDRCF, #0ffh		; Enable Port2 (ADDR) as anoutput
					mov	ADDR, #0ffh			;  driven high ($ff)
					orl	PRT1CF, #00111110b	; enable P1.7..3 as outputs
					anl	P1, #11011011b		;  A16 = '0'; ALE = '0'   bank 1
					orl	P1, #00011010b		;  RD, WR, CS = '1'
				; SRAM_Read
				; This routine reads from the external SRAM.  Specifically, it returns
				; in ACC the data at the address pointed to by DPTR.  Bank select
				; (manipulation of A16) is not handled here.
					clr	CS						; select external SRAM
					mov	ADDR, DPH			; force external address A15..A8
					mov	DATACF, #0ffh	; enable AD7..0 as outputs
					mov	DATA1, DPL			; force external address A7..A0
					setb	ALE					; latch the address
					clr	ALE
					mov	DATACF, #00h	; enable AD7..0 as inputs
					mov	DATA1, #0ffh
					clr	RD						; activate READ strobe
					mov	a, DATA1				; read the data (note: setuptime for OE-based
														;  reads is 45ns forthis SRAM.  At SYSCLK
														;  = 20MHz, this movetakes 2 clock cycles, or
														;  50ns * 2 = 100ns.
					setb	RD					; de-assert READ strobe
					setb	CS					; de-select SRAM
				;Totals for a read are:
				;30 bytes, 34 cycles.
				; SRAM_Write
				; This routine writes a byte to the external SRAM.  Specifically, itwrites
				; the byte in ACC to the address pointed to by DPTR.  Bank select
				; (manipulation of A16) is not handled here.
					clr	CS						; select external SRAM
					mov	ADDR, DPH			; force external address A15..A8
					mov	DATACF, #0ffh	; enable AD7..0 as outputs
					mov	DATA1, DPL			; force external address A7..A0
					setb	ALE					; latch the address
					clr	ALE
					mov	DATA1, a				; present the data to the DATA bus
					clr	WR						; activate WRITE strobe
					setb	WR					; de-assert WRITE strobe
														; note: this results in a write pulse width
														;  of 100ns with a 20MHz sysclk.  The minimum
														;  width for this SRAM is 60ns.
					mov	DATACF, #00h	; enable AD7..0 as inputs
					mov	DATA1, #0ffh
					setb	CS					; de-select SRAM
				; End of file.
