WIN32 APPLICATION : gamegold
AppWizard has created this gamegold application for you.
This file contains a summary of what you will find in each of the files that
make up your gamegold application.
This is the m ...
Java For Artists targets both the undergraduate computer science or information technology student and the practicing programmer. It is both an introductory-level textbook and trade book.
As a textbook it employs learning objectives, skill-building exercises, suggested ...
Add myaa.m to your path and enjoy anti-aliased professionally looking graphics in Matlab at any time. Myaa works with any kind of graphic (3-D, plots, scatterplots, ...) and even adds anti-aliasing to text, ui controls and grids. Myaa is ideal for complex, cluttered and satura ...
If you d like to create web-based applications easily, then this book is for you. More importantly, it shows you
how to do that with joy and feel good about your own work! You don t need to know servlet or JSP while your
productivity will be much higher than using servlet or JSP directly. This is po ...
Writing Robust Java Code
The AmbySoft Inc. Coding Standards for Java
Scott W. Ambler
Software Process Mentor
This Version: January 15, 2000
Copyright 1998-1999 AmbySoft Inc.Purpose of this White Paper
This white paper describes a collection of standards, conventio
code. They are based on so ...
该程序为GPS数据采集程序,AppWizard has created this GPS application for you. This application
not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes
but is also a starting point for writing your application.
This file contains a summary of what you will find in each of the files ...
Because of the poor observability of Inertial Navigation System on stationary base, the estimation
error of the azimuth will converge very slowly in initial alignment by means of Kalmari filtering, and making the
time initial alignment is longer. In this paper, a fast estimation method of the azimut ...
Joomla 收费插件:企业客户管理系统。
Our suite of components and tools are architected and programmed specifically for Joomla, the award winning CMS.
jForce will provide you with:
jAccounts – for your invoicing and billing needs
jContacts – a new way to manage your sales funnel and business lead ...
内存管理程序,功能与FASTMM相似,PLEASE NOTE: There are two ways to install BigBrain. You may use the
memory manager code natively compiled into your EXE or you can use
an included external DLL which will allow you to share memory across
multiple DLLs with one central place for memory management. U ...
Recent advances in experimental methods have resulted in the generation
of enormous volumes of data across the life sciences. Hence clustering and
classification techniques that were once predominantly the domain of ecologists
are now being used more widely. This book provides an overview of these
i ...