This will sample all 8 A/D-channels.
The result will be send out via UART1 and can be seen within
any terminal-program (9600 Baud).
With each pressed key the next channel will be converted.
No interrupts are used.
This will sample all 8 A/D-channels by the continous mode.
Each end of conversion will call an interrupt routine,
where the AD-channel is put to Port4[2..0]
and the upper nibble of the result is put to Port4[7..4].
Port 4 is connected to the user LEDs of the FlashCan100P Evaluation-Board
富士通单片机MB902420系列The internal LCD-cotroller will be initialised (1/2 bias, 1/2 duty).
The internal Resistor devider is used.
Some different methods are shown, how segments can be swicthed on/off.
CAN Project:
CAN0 will work as a simple Repeater.
Received data will appear at Port P47..P40 (UserLEDs of FlashCan100P)
and will send out again as byte-packages to ID#2
Receive-Buffer #1 : basic can
Transmit-Buffer #6 : full-can ID #2
extINT Project:
All external Interrupt-Pins INT0 .. INT7 will be enabled.
A falling edge on INTx will toggle PDR4_P4x
in order to toggle the LEDx of the Flash-CAN-100P Board
e.g. falling edge on INT3 will result in LED D3 will toggleP47..P40 (UserLEDs of FlashCan100P)
and ...
AppWizard has created this QMPlugin DLL for you.
This file contains a summary of what you will find in each of the files that
make up your QMPlugin application.
a screen handling program to provide a flashing message.
You will have to design a screen layout for where messages
are placed on the screen. You will also have to consider
when to delay the program in order to give the user time
to read the messages. That is, the program will use the
curses li ...