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  • pci e PCB设计规范

    This document provides practical, common guidelines for incorporating PCI Express interconnect layouts onto Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) ranging from 4-layer desktop baseboard designs to 10- layer or more server baseboard designs. Guidelines and constraints in this document are intended for use on b ...


    标签: pci PCB 设计规范

    上传时间: 2013-10-15


  • 利用纤巧型负载点电路来简化电源电压的跟踪和排序

      Multiple-voltage electronics systems often requirecomplex supply voltage tracking or sequencing, whichif not met, can result in system faults or even permanentfailures in the fi eld. The design diffi culties in meetingthese requirements are often compounded in distributedpowerarchitecture ...


    标签: 负载点电路 电源电压 排序

    上传时间: 2013-10-08


  • 降压升压型控制器简化手持式产品的DC/DC转换器设计

      A number of conventional solutions have been available forthe design of a DC/DC converter where the output voltageis within the input voltage range—a common scenarioin Li-Ion battery-powered applications—but none werevery attractive until now. Conventional topologies, suchas S ...


    标签: DC 降压 升压型 控制器

    上传时间: 2013-10-21


  • DN436微型全桥压电马达驱动器

      Piezoelectric motors are used in digital cameras for autofocus,zooming and optical image stabilization. Theyare relatively small, lightweight and effi cient, but theyalso require a complicated driving scheme. Traditionally,this challenge has been met with the use ofseparatecircuits, inclu ...


    标签: 436 DN 全桥 压电

    上传时间: 2013-11-18


  • DN445微型模块LED驱动器

      Once relegated to the hinterlands of low cost indicatorlights, the LED is again in the spotlight of the lightingworld. LED lighting is now ubiquitous, from car headlightsto USB-powered lava lamps. Car headlights exemplifyapplications that capitalize on the LED’s clear advantages&mda ...


    标签: 445 LED DN 微型模块

    上传时间: 2013-10-16


  • 为敏感电路提供过压和电源反接保护

      What would happen if someone connected 24V to your12V circuits? If the power and ground lines were inadvertentlyreversed, would the circuits survive? Does yourapplication reside in a harsh environment, where the inputsupply can ring very high or even below ground? Evenif these events are ...


    标签: 敏感电路 保护 过压 电源反接

    上传时间: 2013-10-26


  • LT1010在电源缓冲区中的应用

      A frequent requirement in systems involves drivinganalog signals into non-linear or reactive loads. Cables,transformers, actuators, motors and sample-hold circuitsare examples where the ability to drive diffi cult loads isrequired. Although several power buffer amplifi ers areavailable, n ...


    标签: 1010 LT 电源 中的应用

    上传时间: 2014-12-24


  • c#入门经典第4版全书pdf

    《C#入门经典(第4版)》通过C#可以很容易地学习.NET Framework 3.5的强大功能,所以C#是开始您编程生涯的绝佳方式。《C#入门经典(第4版)》全面阐述了C#编程的所有方面,包括C#语言本身、Windows编程、Web编程及数据源的使用等内容。学习了新的编程技巧后,《C#入门经典(第4版)》介绍了如何高效地部署应用程序和服务,论述 ...



    上传时间: 2013-11-16


  • 基于msp430单片机的便携式数字倾角仪的研制

    介绍了一种基于MSP430系列单片机和ADXL203加速度传感器的数字式倾角仪,它不仅可以实现水平度检测,而且可以测量00~3600范围内的任意倾角,分辨率可达O.1。。此外,由于该倾角仪输出为数字结果,因此它也可以与其他的数字设备结合起来,组合成一个功能更加强大的仪器。该数字倾角仪可广泛应用于建筑、机械、道路、桥梁、 ...


    标签: msp 430 单片机 便携式

    上传时间: 2013-11-14


  • SUNPLUSIT编程工具Q-Writer使用说明书

    Important Notice SUNPLUS INNOVATION TECHNOLOGY INC. reserves the right to change this documentation without prior notice.  Information provided by SUNPLUS INNOVATION TECHNOLOGY INC.  is believed to be accurate and reliable.  However, SUNPLUS INNOVATION TECHNOLOGY INC.makes no warranty ...


    标签: SUNPLUSIT Q-Writer 编程工具 使用说明书

    上传时间: 2013-10-13

    上传用户:brain kung