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watcom 13


  • This is the source for a C compiler that generates 386 or m68K code. Code generation is fairly good

    This is the source for a C compiler that generates 386 or m68K code. Code generation is fairly good although the optimizer is a little naive... the code itself should be highly portable although there are some issues involved with porting from MSDOS that have to be resolved for example the size of L ...


    标签: generation generates compiler fairly

    上传时间: 2016-08-01


  • C++ is a programming language. It is a programming language of many different dialects, just like

    C++ is a programming language. It is a programming language of many different dialects, just like each language that is spoken has many dialects. In C though, they are not because the "speakers" live in the North, South, or grew up in some other place, it is because there are so many compilers. T ...


    标签: programming language different dialects

    上传时间: 2014-01-17


  • 程序员实用算法

    如今大多数关于算法的图书都是大学教科书,或者是令人厌倦的相同算法集合改头换面后的作品。本书是给出所有算法的完整代码实现的第一本书,这些算法在开发人员的日常工作中非常有用本书重点关注的是实用。立即可用的代码,并且广泛讨论了可移植性和特定于实现的细节。本书作者介绍了一些有用但很少被讨论的算法,它们可用于 ...


    标签: 程序员 算法

    上传时间: 2022-06-26
