%The phase locked loop(PLL),adjusts the phase of a local oscillator
%w.r.t the incoming modulated signal.In this way,the phase of the
%incoming signal is locked and the signal is demodulated.This scheme
%is used in PM and FM as well.
%We will implement it by using a closed loop system.Control ...
邻接矩阵类的根是A d j a c e n c y W D i g r a p h,因此从这个类开始。程序1 2 - 1给出了类的描述。程
序中,先用程序1 - 1 3中函数Make2DArray 为二组数组a 分配空间,然后对数组a 初始化,以描述
一个n 顶点、没有边的图的邻接矩阵,其复杂性为( n2 )。该代码没有捕获可能由M a k e 2 D A r r a y
引发的异常。在析构 ...