This Program Cotains Eeprom Read-write functions, 4 Bit LCD interface routines, Keyboard Interface with normal Key Input to the 89C52 atmel Microcontroller.
The Window Design Method
The basic idea behind the design of linear-phase FIR filters using the window
method is to choose a proper ideal frequency-selective filter [which always has
a noncausal, infinite duration impulse response] and then truncate its impulse
response hd[n] to obtain a linear-phas ...
为 了提高用户身份认证和授权管理的灵活性,从We b 应用系统的安全性角度出发,讨论了
种在. N E T F r a me w o r k下保证应用程序安全性的身份验证和授权模型,并给出了模型的具体实现方法。
该模型利用 F o r ms身份验证方法对用户的身份进行鉴别。在授权处理上,模型结合统一资源定位( u . J f o r m
R e s ...
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