cpress usb 芯片Vender 处理固件。
The purpose of this software is to demonstrate how
to implement vendor specific commands.
The following vendor specific commands are implemented:
A0 Firmware Upload/Download
A2 EEProm Load
A3 External Ram Load
A4 Set I2C Addr
A5 Get IIC Type (1 Byte or 2 Byte EEPROM) ...
This sample provides a generic example of a PCI IDE minidriver. The sample isolates vendor-specific code from the higher-level PCI IDE bus driver, much as SCSI minidrivers isolate code from the SCSI port driver. See the Release Notes section for more information.
This sample works on both x86 and A ...
IEEE 802.11F-2003 IEEE Recommended Practice for Multi-Vendor Access Point Interoperability via an Inter-Access Point Protocol Across Distribution Systems Supporting IEEE 802.11 Operation