Title: File Transfer client and server
Description: Send or recieve files of any size or type between you and a peer. Displays bytes sent or recieved, return values of send() and recv(), bitrate in KBytes/sec, and time remaining. SendFile and RecvFile functions can easily be added and used in your o ...
Swarm intelligence algorithms are based on natural
behaviors. Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a
stochastic search and optimization tool. Changes in the
PSO parameters, namely the inertia weight and the
cognitive and social acceleration constants, affect the
performance of the search process. Th ...
// Histogram Sample
// This sample shows how to use the Sample Grabber filter for video image processing.
// Conceptual background:
// A histogram is just a frequency count of every pixel value in the image.
// There are various well-known mathematical operations that you can perform on an image ...
This program is used to measure the temperature sensor on an F330
device. It uses 1-point calibration and stores the offset value
in FLASH memory. The program outputs temperature values in 100ths
of a degree Celsius with UART.
Numerical Computing with MATLAB (by Cleve Moler) is a textbook for an introductory course
in numerical methods, Matlab, and technical computing. The emphasis is on in-
formed use of mathematical software. We want you learn enough about the mathe-
matical functions in Matlab that you will be able to ...
Toolbox for Numerical Computing with MATLAB (by Cleve Moler).
Numerical Computing with MATLAB (by Cleve Moler) is a textbook for an introductory course
in numerical methods, Matlab, and technical computing. The emphasis is on in-
formed use of mathematical software. We want you learn enough abou ...
MS-Clustering is designed to rapidly cluster large MS/MS datasets. The program merges similar spectra (having similar m/z values ?within a given tolerance), and creates a single consensus spectrum as a representative. The input formats accepted are: dta, mgf, mzXML. The output format is mgf.
LCD Driver datasheet
The SPF54126A, a 262144-color System-on-Chip (SoC) driver LSI designed for small and medium sizes of TFT LCD display, is capable of
supporting up to 176xRGBx220 in resolution which can be achieved by the designated RAM for graphic data. The 528-channel source
driver has true 6-b ...
simulating a convolutional encoder
allows the user to input a source code to be encoded and also input the values of the generator polynomials. It outputs the encoded data bits, where 1/n is the code rate