This demonstration models a flight control for the longitudinal motion of a Grumman Aerospace F-14 Tomcat. First order linear
approximations of the aircraft and actuator behavior are connected to an analog flight control design that uses the pilot s
stick pitch command as the set point for the air ...
Gambas is a graphical development environment based on a Basic interpreter, like Visual Basic. It uses the Qt toolkit, but is able to use any other toolkit that a module is written for.
s file contains the Joone Distributed training Environment (DTE).
See to learn more about it.
To learn more about Joone - Java Object Oriented Neural Engine:
Joone and the DTE are both released with the LGPL license
@2004 Paolo Marrone a ...
I made a lot of changed on this object,such as *
// 1.Encapsulates all code in one userobjet,since PB does not *
// support "Address of Function" , so we can not set new *
// WndProc, just makes the object more easy to use. *
// 2.Uses structure array instead of Datastore *
// 3. ...
This project shows how to use the IOKit notification mechanism to register to be notified when devices come and go. It uses the Cypress/Anchor EZ-USB chip. (Look at the following example for another way to get notified when a device is unplugged).
PHP Cookbook has a wealth of solutions for problems that you ll face regularly. With topics that range from beginner questions to advanced web programming techniques, this guide contains practical examples -- or "recipes" -- for anyone who uses this scripting language to generate dynamic web content ...
6自由度puma机器人仿真程序源码。This is PUMA3d.M, a 3D Matlab Kinematic model of a Puma robot located in the robotics lab of Walla Walla University.
The file uses CAD data converted to Matlab using cad2matdemo.m, which is located on the Mathworks central file exchange.
% This file is still being ...
PocketStoreII is a flash translation layer, made by Samsung Electronics, for OneNAND device that
uses Windows Mobile as operating system. This section provides the prerequisites for installing the
PocketStoreII v1.5.1 on Windows Mobile 6.0
If you have programming experience and a familiarity with C--the dominant language in embedded systems--Programming Embedded Systems, Second Edition is exactly what you need to get started with embedded software. This software is ubiquitous, hidden away inside our watches, DVD players, mobile phones ...
sql equipment management system for the Institute of Laboratory office automation management system an important part of it can lend to the return of the equipment scrapped and a new standardized management, thereby increasing efficiency and avoiding waste of resources.
 background database ...