
  • Try Everything 《疯狂动物城》主题曲 钢琴谱

    Try Everything 《疯狂动物城》主题曲 钢琴谱


    标签: Everything Try 钢琴

    上传时间: 2016-05-01


  • Verilog Coding Style for Efficient Digital Design

      In this paper, we discuss efficient coding and design styles using verilog. This can beimmensely helpful for any digital designer initiating designs. Here, we address different problems rangingfrom RTL-Gate Level simulation mismatch to race conditions in writing behavioral models. All the ...


    标签: Efficient Verilog Digital Coding

    上传时间: 2013-11-22


  • IC封装热计算研究

    Many thermal metrics exist for integrated circuit (IC) packages ranging from θja to Ψjt.Often, these thermal metrics are misapplied by customers who try to use them to estimate junction temperatures in their systems.


    标签: IC封装 计算

    上传时间: 2013-10-18


  • c#入门经典第4版全书pdf

    《C#入门经典(第4版)》通过C#可以很容易地学习.NET Framework 3.5的强大功能,所以C#是开始您编程生涯的绝佳方式。《C#入门经典(第4版)》全面阐述了C#编程的所有方面,包括C#语言本身、Windows编程、Web编程及数据源的使用等内容。学习了新的编程技巧后,《C#入门经典(第4版)》介绍了如何高效地部署应用程序和服务,论述 ...



    上传时间: 2013-11-16


  • ICCAVR 入门

    ICCAVR简介ICCAVR 是一种使用ANSI 标准C 语言来开发微控制器(MCU)程序的一个工具,它是一个综合了编辑器和工程管理器的集成工作环境(IDE)。源文件全部被组织到工程之中,文件的编辑和工程(project)的构筑也在IDE 的环境中完成。编译错误在状态窗口中显示,用鼠标单击编译错误时,光标会自动跳转到出错行。这个工程管 ...


    标签: ICCAVR

    上传时间: 2013-10-25


  • I2C slave routines for the 87L

    The 87LPC76X Microcontroller combines in a small package thebenefits of a high-performance microcontroller with on-boardhardware supporting the Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) bus interface.The 87LPC76X can be programmed both as an I2C bus master, aslave, or both. An overview of the I2C bus and descr ...


    标签: routines slave I2C 87L

    上传时间: 2013-11-19


  • Verilog Coding Style for Efficient Digital Design

      In this paper, we discuss efficient coding and design styles using verilog. This can beimmensely helpful for any digital designer initiating designs. Here, we address different problems rangingfrom RTL-Gate Level simulation mismatch to race conditions in writing behavioral models. All the ...


    标签: Efficient Verilog Digital Coding

    上传时间: 2013-11-23


  • 此代码可以实现以下功能 使用wordappalication 组件

    此代码可以实现以下功能 使用wordappalication 组件,代码如下 启动Word时用如下代码: begin try Wordapplication.Connect except MessageDlg(’Word may not be installed’, mtError, [mbOk], 0) Abort end Wordapplication.Visible := True WordApplication.Caption := ’Delphi automation’ end ...


    标签: wordappalication 代码

    上传时间: 2014-01-22


  • How to call some functions that you might though it is simle sometimes, but it could take your worth

    How to call some functions that you might though it is simle sometimes, but it could take your worthful time. Try these short routes as fun whenever you take a break.


    标签: functions sometimes though could

    上传时间: 2015-04-10


  • 用jsp编写的网上测试系统。 (1)以“Windows身份验证模式”连接SQL Server数据库。 (2)需要安装SQL Server 的补丁SP3。 (3)运行的时候可以参照书上

    用jsp编写的网上测试系统。 (1)以“Windows身份验证模式”连接SQL Server数据库。 (2)需要安装SQL Server 的补丁SP3。 (3)运行的时候可以参照书上的说明进行,如出试卷的时候,若试卷标题重复,可以从数据库中删除,然后添加试卷。 (4)出试卷路径为 http://localhost:8080/chap22/chujuan.jsp 如果放在根目录, ...


    标签: Server SQL Windows jsp

    上传时间: 2015-06-27
