fastDNAml is an attempt to solve the same problem as DNAML, but to do so
faster and using less memory, so that larger trees and/or more bootstrap
replicates become tractable. Much of fastDNAml is merely a recoding of the
PHYLIP 3.3 DNAML program from PASCAL to C.
This project attempts to implement a Database using B+Tree. The project has developed a DATABASE SYSTEM with lesser memory consumption. Its API includes simple SQL Statements and the output is displayed on the screen. Certain applications for which several features of existing databases like concurr ...
Perl & XML.
by Erik T. Ray and Jason McIntosh
ISBN 0-596-00205-X
First Edition, published April 2002.
(See the catalog page for this book.)
Table of Contents
Copyright Page
Chapter 1: Perl and XML
Chapter 2: An XML Recap
Chapter 3: XML Basics: Reading and Writing
Chapter 4: Event Streams ...
DAGON Approach
Object of this exercise:
Given a subject graph and a set of pattern graph in canonical representation (2-input
NAND and INV), implement the second step of DAGON approach. (Both the subject
graph and the pattern graphs are trees.)
Boosting is a meta-learning approach that aims at combining an ensemble of weak classifiers to form a strong classifier. Adaptive Boosting (Adaboost) implements this idea as a greedy search for a linear combination of classifiers by overweighting the examples that are misclassified by each classifie ...
游戏开发数据结构Data Structures for Game Programmers
The Goodies Directory contains all sorts of stuff. For example, there are the four
3rd-Party libraries used in the book, SDL, SDL_TTF, FreeType (which SDL_TTF uses),
and STLPort, which is one implementation of the Standard Template Library.
Also, ...