Mir2 Actor.pas
if (IsFace) and (FaceIndex > -1) then
d := aFrmMain.WFaceimg.Images[FaceIndex * 10 + (FaceFram) mod 8]
/// if HorseSurface<>nil then
// dSurface.Draw (dx+shiftx, dy + hpy + ShiftY-60, d.ClientRect, d, TRUE)
// else
if d <> nil then
if HorseSurface <> nil then
It is about spline word,please refer to this chapter and analysis ,then
you will find how to draw spline ,if you have any problem,please contact me,my telephone is "none",haha!
ssd8考试一 计算机网络
A Web proxy server listens to requests, then retrieves the requested files from other Web servers and serves them to the clients. These proxy servers are useful in certain situations, such as on firewalls, where they can allow access to certain pages and deny access to others ...
A Web proxy server listens to requests, then retrieves the requested files from other Web servers and serves them to the clients. These proxy servers are useful in certain situations, such as on firewalls, where they can allow access to certain pages and deny access to others