The same two-stage decoder as above. However, when transforming the symbols prior to Viterbi decoding, the amplitude information is ignored and only the phase of the received symbol is employed in the metric computation stage.
The Reed-Somolon code is specified by the finite field, the length
(length <= 2^m-1), the number of redundant symbols (length-k), and
the initial zero of the code, init_zero, such that the zeros are:
init_zero, init_zero+1, ..., init_zero+length-k-1
Encoding and decoding of the binary extended (24,12,8) Golay code:
An arithmetic decoding algorithm. It is a very close relative of the error-trapping decoding algorithms developed by Kasami in the 1960s.
The Viterbi algorithm is the same as the binary case with one main difference: The survivor sequences include the uncoded bits, which are decided at each trellis stage when selecting one of two parallel branches with the largest correlation metric.
Presently, only 8-PSK modulation is considered. E ...
This file contains a new and improved version of the Huffman coder, (June 29. 2001). The name is Huff06.m. There are also some additional files which are helpful when using Matlab for data compression: quantizer, different variants of run-length-encoding and end-of-block coding in Mat2Vec, and a pro ...