Abstract: Some types of loads require more current during startup than when running. Other loads can be limited to a lower-powercurrent during startup but require a higher operating current. This article describes an application circuit that automatically adjusts apower circuit’s overcurrent ...
Smart Batteries are an increasingly popular choice formore than just traditional compact consumer electronicdevices. For example, Smart Batteries are being used asbattery backup for products such as blade servers, whereknowing battery status is very important
Avalanche photo diode (APD) receiver modules arewidely used in fi ber optic communication systems. AnAPD module contains the APD and a signal conditioningamplifi er, but is not completely self contained. It stillrequires signifi cant support circuitry including a highvoltage, low noise po ...
Once relegated to the hinterlands of low cost indicatorlights, the LED is again in the spotlight of the lightingworld. LED lighting is now ubiquitous, from car headlightsto USB-powered lava lamps. Car headlights exemplifyapplications that capitalize on the LED’s clear advantages&mda ...
Specifying the right reference and applying it correctly isa more difficult task than one might first surmise, consideringthat references are only 2- or 3-terminal devices.Although the word “accuracy” is most often spoken inreference to references, it is dangerous to use this ...
In August of 1992 LTC published Application Note 49,
“Illumination Circuitry for Liquid Crystal Displays.” One
notable aspect of this event is that it generated more
response than all previous LTC application notes combined.
This level of interest, along with significant performanc ...