The LogiCORE™ GTP Wizard automates the task of creating HDL wrappers to configure the high-speed serial GTP transceivers in Virtex™-5 LXT and SXT devices. The menu-driven interface allows one or more GTP transceivers to be configured using pre-definedtemplates for popular industry standa ...
UART 4 UART参考设计,Xilinx提供VHDL代码 uart_vhdl
This zip file contains the following folders:
\vhdl_source -- Source VHDL files:
uart.vhd - top level file
txmit.vhd - transmit portion of uart
&nb ...
-- the design makes use of the new shift operators available in the VHDL-93 std
-- this design passes the Synplify synthesis check
-- download from: &
The MDCT core is two dimensional discrete cosine transform implementation designed for use in compression systems like JPEG. Architecture is based on parallel distributed arithmetic ...