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  • Electric Vehicles in Smart Grids

    Plug in Electric Vehicles (PEVs) use energy storages usually in the form of battery banks that are designed to be recharged using utility grid power. One category of PEVs are Electric Vehicles (EVs) without an Internal-Combustion (IC) engine where the energy stored in the battery bank is the only so ...


    标签: Electric Vehicles Smart Grids in

    上传时间: 2020-06-07


  • 三菱第五代IGBT应用手册

    三菱电机功率器件在工业、电气化铁道、办公自动化、家电产品等多种领域的电力变换及电动机控制中得到广泛应用。为了真正满足市场对装置噪音低、效率高、体积小、重量轻、精度高、功能强、容量大的要求,三菱电机积极致力于新型器件的研究、开发,为人类的节能和环保不断努力。第5代IGBT和IPM模块均采用三菱电机第5代IGBT硅 ...


    标签: igbt

    上传时间: 2022-06-19
