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sphere 14


  • PlotSphereIntensity(azimuth, elevation) PlotSphereIntensity(azimuth, elevation, intensity) h = Plo

    PlotSphereIntensity(azimuth, elevation) PlotSphereIntensity(azimuth, elevation, intensity) h = PlotSphereIntensity(...) Plots the intensity (as color) of a number of points on a unit sphere. Input: azimuth (phi), in degrees elevation (theta), in degrees intensity (optional, if not provided, a gree ...


    标签: PlotSphereIntensity elevation azimuth intensity

    上传时间: 2014-01-15


  • Matlab 画三维立体图形

    Matlab 画三维立体图形 The aim of geom3d library is to handle and visualize 3D geometric primitives such as points, lines, planes, polyhedra... It provides low-level functions for manipulating 3D geometric primitives, making easier the development of more complex geometric algorithms.  &nbs ...


    标签: Matlab 画三维立体图形

    上传时间: 2015-11-02


  • Advanced_Process_Engineering_Control

    The present work, Advanced Process Engineering Control, is intended to be the continuation of the authorsʼ Basic Process Engineering Control published by DeGruyter in 2014. It presents the main and conventional type control loops in process industries. Titles containing the concept of process engin ...


    标签: Advanced_Process_Engineering_Cont rol

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • 应用ANSOFT-HFSS对曲面结构贴片天线的模拟

    结构体的具体尺寸如下所示:a=1.20h=0.620其中介质锥的介电常数E=2.0。选定工作频率为f=15GHz相对应的真空中的波长为0=20mm,这样结构体的儿何尺寸己经完全确定,下面介绍求解的全过程选定求解方式为(Solution Type)Driven modal1.建立所求结构体的几何模型(单位:mm)。由于此结构体的几何形状较简单,使用工具栏中的Dr ...


    标签: ansoft 天线 hfss

    上传时间: 2022-03-10
