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spectral 50


  • Amplify-and-Forward+Relaying

    Relaying techniques, in which a source node communicates to a destination node with the help of a relay, have been proposed as a cost-effective solution to address the increasing demand for high data rates and reliable services over the air. As such, it is crucial to design relay systems that are ab ...


    标签: Amplify-and-Forward Relaying

    上传时间: 2020-05-26


  • Baseband+Receiver+Algorithms

    The growing interest for high data rate wireless communications over the last few decades gave rise to the emergence of a number of wideband wireless systems. The resulting scarcity of frequency spectrum has been forcing wireless system designers to develop methods that will push the spectral effici ...


    标签: Algorithms Baseband Receiver

    上传时间: 2020-05-26


  • Cognitive+Wireless+Network

    Cognitive radio has emerged as a promising technology for maximizing the utiliza- tion of the limited radio bandwidth while accommodating the increasing amount of services and applications in wireless networks. A cognitive radio (CR) transceiver is able to adapt to the dynamic radio environment and ...


    标签: Cognitive Wireless Network

    上传时间: 2020-05-26


  • Full-Duplex+Small+Cells

    The recent developments in full duplex (FD) commu- nication promise doubling the capacity of cellular networks using self interference cancellation (SIC) techniques. FD small cells with device-to-device (D2D) communication links could achieve the expected capacity of the future cellular networks (5G ...


    标签: Full-Duplex Cells Small

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • Large-scale+Antenna+Systems

    To meet the future demand for huge traffic volume of wireless data service, the research on the fifth generation (5G) mobile communication systems has been undertaken in recent years. It is expected that the spectral and energy efficiencies in 5G mobile communication systems should be ten-fold highe ...


    标签: Large-scale Antenna Systems

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • Low Complexity MIMO Detection

    In order to improve the spectral efficiency in wireless communications, multiple antennas are employed at both transmitter and receiver sides, where the resulting system is referred to as the multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system. In MIMO systems, it is usually requiredto detect signals joint ...


    标签: Complexity Detection MIMO Low

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • Propagation Channel Characterization

    The investigation of the propagation channel is becoming more and more important in mod- ern wireless communication. The demand for spectral efficiency motivates exploitation of all channels that can possibly be used for communications. Nowadays, a common trend for designing physical layer algorithm ...


    标签: Characterization Propagation Channel

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Signal Processing for Telecommunications

    This paper presents a Hidden Markov Model (HMM)-based speech enhancement method, aiming at reducing non-stationary noise from speech signals. The system is based on the assumption that the speech and the noise are additive and uncorrelated. Cepstral features are used to extract statistical informati ...


    标签: Telecommunications Processing Signal for

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Wireless+Multi-Antenna+Channels+Modeling

    The explosion in demand for wireless services experienced over the past 20 years has put significant pressure on system designers to increase the capacity of the systems being deployed. While the spectral resource is very scarce and practically exhausted, the biggest possibilities are predicted to b ...


    标签: Multi-Antenna Wireless Channels Modeling

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • 基于有蓝牙共存情况下的WiFi射频模块设计

    移动通信网络由于带宽和技术的限制,远远不能满足人们不断高涨的无线上网需求。Wi-Fi作为无线接入技术MLAN的主流标准口益成熟,它能够随时随地高速连接到Internet,极大地满足了用户对无线上网需求,受到消费者的青睐。因而越来越多的移动终端都集成了Wi-Fi功能,Wi-Fi和蓝牙样成为移动终端的标配。随之而来的是wi-Fi和蓝牙 ...


    标签: 蓝牙共存 wifi 射频模块

    上传时间: 2022-06-20
