Modern electronic systems solve so many difficult problems that they often seem like magic. Nonetheless, these systems all have thesame basic limitation: they need a source of electrical power! Most of the time this is a straightforward challenge for the electronicdesigner, because there are many ...
Libsvm is a simple, easy-to-use, and efficient software for SVM
classification and regression. It can solve C-SVM classification,
nu-SVM classification, one-class-SVM, epsilon-SVM regression, and
nu-SVM regression. It also provides an automatic model selection
tool for C-SVM classification. This doc ...
This model is just testing an idea of MIMO, which IEEE802.11n
will have. But I havo not seen the standard, I tried to make
it with 11a. Actually this model would not work in real world,
because the preambles were not designed to solve the MIMO feature.
But this model may be useful to get som ...
This folder contains all the codes based on Matlab Language for the book <《Iterative Methods for Linear and Nonlinear Equations》, and there are totally 21 M files, which can solve most of linear and nonlinear equations problems.
Chessboard Cover,On a chessboard,only one square is different, called specific.Use the Divide-and-Conquer methods to solve the Chessboard Cover Problem.
With the release of PHP 5 web developers need a guide to developing with PHP 5 to both learn its complex new features and more fully implement the long-standing features on which PHP s success is built. PHP 5 in Practice is a reference guide that provides developers with easy-to-use and easily exten ...
This paper presents an interactive technique that
produces static hairstyles by generating individual hair strands
of the desired shape and color, subject to the presence of gravity
and collisions. A variety of hairstyles can be generated by
adjusting the wisp parameters, while the deformation is so ...
This my phd thesis for the WDM optical network optimization, which employs convex optimization techniques to solve the proposed integer problems. The computation complexity of my optimization framework is very low compared with other existing method and a performance bound is provided at the same ti ...