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servoone 2


  • 路斯特ServoOne手册

    German universities and scientists have repeatedly set the intermational standard in drive technology. Identification and active compensation of natural frequencies in oscillatory mechanics, status controls with monitoring structures incorporating acceleration sensors, adaptive compensation of measu ...


    标签: servoone

    上传时间: 2022-06-24


  • ServoOne安装调试手册

    Note: Before commissioning the value of the connected mains voltage must be set in the servo controller(factory setting=3×400 V AC). More detailed information see chapter 4"Commissioning".通讯接口所有的Servo-One系列均有USB及TCP/IP通讯接口,可通过LT-I公司的Drive-Manager5软件进行通讯,进行相关参数的 ...


    标签: servoone

    上传时间: 2022-06-24
