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  • This is a document for CYCLONE Develop Kits type LJ-FN300 FPGANIOS. Wish this would help you to find

    This is a document for CYCLONE Develop Kits type LJ-FN300 FPGANIOS. Wish this would help you to find what kits can be select to use.


    标签: FPGANIOS document CYCLONE Develop

    上传时间: 2013-08-16


  • PCB设计问题集锦

    PCB设计问题集锦 问:PCB图中各种字符往往容易叠加在一起,或者相距很近,当板子布得很密时,情况更加严重。当我用Verify Design进行检查时,会产生错误,但这种错误可以忽略。往往这种错误很多,有几百个,将其他更重要的错误淹没了,如何使Verify Design会略掉这种错误,或者在众多的错误中快速找到重要的错误。    答 ...


    标签: PCB 设计问题 集锦

    上传时间: 2013-10-07


  • DN442 I2C可控降压紧凑型同步DC/DC稳压器

      The LTC®3562 quad output step-down regulator is designedfor multicore handheld microprocessor applications thatoperate from a single Li-Ion battery. Its four monolithic, higheffi ciency buck regulators support Intel’s mobile CPU P-Stateand C-State energy saving operating modes. ...


    标签: DC 442 I2C DN

    上传时间: 2013-10-07


  • c#入门经典第4版全书pdf

    《C#入门经典(第4版)》通过C#可以很容易地学习.NET Framework 3.5的强大功能,所以C#是开始您编程生涯的绝佳方式。《C#入门经典(第4版)》全面阐述了C#编程的所有方面,包括C#语言本身、Windows编程、Web编程及数据源的使用等内容。学习了新的编程技巧后,《C#入门经典(第4版)》介绍了如何高效地部署应用程序和服务,论述 ...



    上传时间: 2013-11-16


  • ds18b20程序

      /通过DS18B20测试当前环境温度, 并通过数码管显示当前温度值, 目前显示范围: 0.0~ +99.9度   #include   #include   #define uchar unsigned char   #define uint unsigned int   #define DATAPORT P0 //定义P0口为Led数据口   //#define SETTEMP P1 //定义P1口为设定温度   #define SELECT P2 //定义P2 ...


    标签: 18b b20 ds 18

    上传时间: 2013-11-04


  • CAT25128-128Kb的SPI串行CMOS EEPRO

    The CAT25128 is a 128−Kb Serial CMOS EEPROM device internally organized as 16Kx8 bits. This features a 64−byte page write buffer and supports the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) protocol. The device is enabled through a Chip Select (CS) input. In addition, the required bus signals are ...


    标签: 25128 EEPRO CMOS CAT

    上传时间: 2013-11-15


  • PCA9541 2 to 1 I2C-bus master

    The PCA9541 is a 2-to-1 I2C-bus master selector designed for high reliability dual masterI2C-bus applications where system operation is required, even when one master fails orthe controller card is removed for maintenance. The two masters (for example, primaryand back-up) are located on separate I2C ...


    标签: master C-bus 9541 PCA

    上传时间: 2013-10-09


  • PCA9544A 4channel I2C multiple

    The PCA9544A provides 4 interrupt inputs, one for each channeland one open drain interrupt output. When an interrupt is generated byany device, it will be detected by the PCA9544A and the interruptoutput will be driven LOW. The channel need not be active fordetection of the interrupt. A bit is also ...


    标签: 4channel multiple 9544A 9544

    上传时间: 2014-12-28


  • 单片机电子表原理图和程序代码 (PCB电路)

    单片机电子表原理图和C语言程序代码: select 成绩表.学号,学生信息.姓名,学生信息.学院专业 ,sum(成绩表.分数) 总分 ,avg(成绩表.分数) 平均分 from 成绩表,学生信息 where 学生信息.学号=成绩表.学号  group by 成绩表.学号,学生信息.姓名 ,成绩表.分数,学生信息.学院专业select 学生信息.学院专业 ,sum(成绩表.分数) ...


    标签: PCB 单片机 代码 电子表

    上传时间: 2014-04-03


  • Xilinx FPGA全局时钟资源的使用方法

    目前,大型设计一般推荐使用同步时序电路。同步时序电路基于时钟触发沿设计,对时钟的周期、占空比、延时和抖动提出了更高的要求。为了满足同步时序设计的要求,一般在FPGA设计中采用全局时钟资源驱动设计的主时钟,以达到最低的时钟抖动和延迟。 FPGA全局时钟资源一般使用全铜层工艺实现,并设计了专用时钟缓冲与驱动结构 ...


    标签: Xilinx FPGA 全局时钟资源

    上传时间: 2014-01-01
