Under the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA), the National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST) was assigned “primary responsibility to coordinate
development of a framework that includes protocols and model standards for information
management to achieve interoperability o ...
Driven by the rapid advancement of technology and the growing need of business
requirements, cyber communications are embedded in many physical systems. The
integration of cyber and physical capabilities leads to the creation of many applica-
tions with enormous societal impact and economic benefit. ...
In order to enhance the efficiency and reliability of the power grid, diversify energy
resources, improve power security, and reduce greenhouse gas emission, many
countries have been putting great efforts in designing and constructing their smart
grid(SG) infrastructures.Smart gridcommunicationsnetw ...
The electrical power grid is often referred to as one of the most complex man-
made systems on Earth. Its importance to all aspects of our daily lives, economic
stability, and national security cannot be overstated, and the need for an updated,
secure, resilient, and smarter power grid infrastructur ...
Sensors are points ofcontact betweenthe material world ofatoms, mass, andenergy
and the seemingly immaterial world of information, computation, and cognition.
Linking these two domains more tightly yields all sorts of practical benefits, such as
improvedinputdevicesforcomputers,moreeffectivemedicald ...
Radio frequency identifi cation (RFID) is a modern wireless data transmission and
reception technique for applications including automatic identifi cation, asset track-
ing and security surveillance. As barcodes and other means of identifi cation and
asset tracking are inadequate for recent demands, ...
The rapid growth of RFID use in various supply chain operations, which has
arisen from the development of Electronic Product Code (EPC) technology,
has created a need for the consideration of security issues in the adoption of that
Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology is witnessing a recent explosion of
development in both industry and academia. A number of applications include supply
chain management, electronic payments, RFID passports, environmental monitoring
and control, office access control, intelligent labe ...
In the first chapter, the topic of this book is classified into the area of pervasive com-
puting. Further, security and privacy in the scope of RFID technology is motivated
and the vision that guides the remainder of this book is introduced.
Radio frequency identification (RFID) is a type of automatic identification systems
which has gained popularity in recent years for being fast and reliable in keeping
track of the individual objects. In RFID systems, contactless object identification
is achieved using radio signals without the need ...