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ringing 5


  • Warn you trough modem when your telephone is ringing. Useful to work with headphones. =)

    Warn you trough modem when your telephone is ringing. Useful to work with headphones. =)


    标签: headphones telephone ringing Useful

    上传时间: 2014-10-31


  • 8阶开关电容滤波器MAX29X系列的应用设计

    MAX29X是美国MAXIM公司生瓣的8阶开关电容低通滤波器,由于价格便宜、使用方便、设计简单,在通讯、信号自理等领域得到了广泛的应用。本文就其工作原理、电气参数、设计注意事项等问题作了讨论,具有一定的实用参考价值。关键词:开关电容、滤波器、设计 1 引言     开关电容滤波器在近些年得到了迅速的 ...


    标签: 29X MAX 29 8阶

    上传时间: 2013-10-18


  • 基于MT8880的一键拨号电话系统设计

      针对煤矿井下调度及紧急救援系统的需求,以DTMF编解码模块为核心,设计了具有自动拨号功能的新型电话系统。该系统利用MT8880对DTMF信号的编解码功能实现一键拨号和远程设置,通过检测振铃和忙音信号,完成自动摘机和挂机过程,配合AGC等外围电路达到话音清晰流畅的效果。   Abstract:   To meet the demand f ...


    标签: 8880 MT 拨号电话 系统设计

    上传时间: 2014-11-18


  • NCV7356单线CANBUS收发器数据手册

    The NCV7356 is a physical layer device for a single wire data linkcapable of operating with various Carrier Sense Multiple Accesswith Collision Resolution (CSMA/CR) protocols such as the BoschController Area Network (CAN) version 2.0. This serial data linknetwork is intended for use in applications ...


    标签: CANBUS 7356 NCV 单线

    上传时间: 2013-10-24


  • Infrared telecontrol design based on the the VHDL includes the mode of infrared send,receive mode,ke

    Infrared telecontrol design based on the the VHDL includes the mode of infrared send,receive mode,key code mode,ringing mode and so on.


    标签: the mode telecontrol Infrared

    上传时间: 2016-05-02
