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received 61


  • Matlab code for simulation of radar received power versus range. There are other files for additiona

    Matlab code for simulation of radar received power versus range. There are other files for additional features like aperture area, swirling objects and pulse integration Happy learning!


    标签: simulation additiona for received

    上传时间: 2017-08-12


  • design about GSM model sended and received communication appliance

    design about GSM model sended and received communication appliance, comply serial communication procotol,make use of vb department


    标签: communication appliance received design

    上传时间: 2017-08-20


  • Received Signal Strength Indicator in PIC24 with wireless communication. Ping a char and add RSSI in

    Received Signal Strength Indicator in PIC24 with wireless communication. Ping a char and add RSSI information to the message.


    标签: communication Indicator Received Strength

    上传时间: 2013-12-25


  • calculate power received of station in wireless network

    calculate power received of station in wireless network


    标签: calculate received wireless network

    上传时间: 2014-01-05


  • 基于PIC18F1320微控制器的信号采集系统

      便携式信号采集在机器健康诊断系统中有较高的应用价值。机器健康诊断的信号特点是包括低频信号。本文研究是为了实现简易而且低成本的低频便携式信号采集。以Microchip公司单片机PIC18F1320为核心设计信号采集电路,实现了信号的采集和保存。系统采用串行电可擦除芯片24LC32A保存数据,经过有线通信,信号数据由串行口 ...


    标签: F1320 1320 PIC 18F

    上传时间: 2013-11-19


  • 基于单片机的数字化B超键盘设计

    针对目前使用的RS232接口数字化B超键盘存在PC主机启动时不能设置BIOS,提出一种PS2键盘的设计方法。基于W78E052D单片机,采用8通道串行A/D转换器设计了8个TGC电位器信息采集电路,电位器位置信息以键盘扫描码序列形式发送,正交编码器信号通过XC9536XL转换为单片机可接收的中断信号,软件接收到中断信息后等效处理成按键。 ...


    标签: 单片机 B超 数字化 键盘设计

    上传时间: 2013-10-10


  • 基于ATmega8的双轴太阳跟踪器设计

    为提高太阳能的利用率,以ATmega8单片机为控制核心,设计了一套光电跟踪与视日运动轨迹跟踪互补控制的双轴太阳跟踪器。该跟踪器在晴天时,利用光敏电阻采集光强判断太阳位置,控制步进电机实现光电跟踪;在阴天时,采集时钟器件PCF8583的时间信息,计算当前太阳位置来实现视日运动轨迹跟踪。实验表明:该太阳跟踪器能在不同天 ...


    标签: ATmega8 跟踪器

    上传时间: 2013-10-15


  • USB接口控制器参考设计,xilinx提供VHDL代码 us

    USB接口控制器参考设计,xilinx提供VHDL代码 usb xilinx vhdl ;  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ;  ...


    标签: xilinx VHDL USB us

    上传时间: 2013-10-12


  • 有源RFID局域定位系统设计

    提出了一种基于PIC16F877A微控制器和CC2500射频收发器芯片的低功耗、低成本RFID(Radio Frequency Identification, 无线射频识别)局域定位系统设计方法,介绍了系统的定位工作原理、主要硬件电路模块及定位算法的设计和实现。采用基于序列号对时隙数运算的排序算法有效解决了多标签识别碰撞的问题,基于射频辐射强度(Rec ...


    标签: RFID 有源 局域 定位

    上传时间: 2013-11-06


  • 基于TinyOS的CC2430 RSSI定位的设计

    为解决现Z-Stack定位程序代码量大,结构复杂等问题,提出一种基于TinyOS的CC2430定位方案。在分析TinyOS组件架构基础上,设计实现盲节点、锚节点与汇聚节点间的无线通信以及汇聚节点与PC机的串口通信。在此基础上实现PC对各锚节点RSSI(Received Signal Strength Indicator)寄存器值的正确读取,确定实验室环境下对数-常态 ...


    标签: TinyOS 2430 RSSI CC

    上传时间: 2013-10-21
