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radios 17


  • Software-defined radios (SDRs) have been around for more than a decade. The first complete Global P

    Software-defined radios (SDRs) have been around for more than a decade. The first complete Global Positioning System (GPS) implementation was described by Dennis Akos in 1997. Since then several research groups have presented their contributions.We therefore find it timely to publish an up-to-date t ...


    标签: Software-defined complete Global radios

    上传时间: 2017-06-08


  • Software-defined radios (SDRs) have been around for more than a decade. The first complete Global P

    Software-defined radios (SDRs) have been around for more than a decade. The first complete Global Positioning System (GPS) implementation was described by Dennis Akos in 1997. Since then several research groups have presented their contributions.We therefore find it timely to publish an up-to-date t ...


    标签: Software-defined complete Global radios

    上传时间: 2013-12-16


  • 移动无线终端导航AFE和数据转换器

    Abstract: High-speed and low-speed data converters serve critical functions in modern broadband mobile radios. This application note outlines how todetermine high-speed data converter performance requirements in baseband sampling radio architectures. Also, system partition strategies andadvantages ...


    标签: AFE 移动 无线终端 导航

    上传时间: 2013-11-02


  • 射频基础知识

    Radio frequency (RF) can be a complex subject to navigate, but it does not have to be. If you are just getting started with radios or maybe you cannot find that old reference book about antenna aperture, this guide can help. It is intended to provide a basic understanding of RF technology, as well a ...


    标签: 射频 基础知识

    上传时间: 2013-10-23


  • 无线技术指南

    Radio frequency (RF) can be a complex subject to navigate, but it does not have to be. If you are just getting started with radios or maybe you cannot find that old reference book about antenna aperture, this guide can help. It is intended to provide a basic understanding of RF technology, as well a ...


    标签: 无线技术

    上传时间: 2013-10-08


  • GNU_Radio GNU radio is a free/open-source software toolkit for and the con

    GNU_Radio GNU radio is a free/open-source software toolkit for and the content is controlled by a handful of organizations. Cell building software radios, in which software defines the phones are a great convenience, but the features your ...


    标签: open-source GNU_Radio software toolkit

    上传时间: 2017-06-27


  • The Universal Radio Hacker (URH)

    The Universal Radio Hacker (URH) is a software for investigating unknown wireless protocols. Features include * __hardware interfaces__ for common Software Defined Radios * __easy demodulation__ of signals * __assigning participants__ to keep overview of your data * __customizable decodings__ to cr ...


    标签: Universal Hacker Radio The URH

    上传时间: 2018-11-23


  • Cognitive+Radio+Technology

    This introduction takes a visionary look at ideal cognitive radios (CRs) that inte- grate advanced software-defined radios (SDR) with CR techniques to arrive at radios that learn to help their user using computer vision, high-performance speech understanding, global positioning system (GPS) navigati ...


    标签: Technology Cognitive Radio

    上传时间: 2020-05-26


  • Distributed+Quality-of-Service+Support

    This thesis is about wireless communication in shared radio spectrum. Its origin and motivation is ideally represented by the two quotations from above. In this thesis, the support of Quality-of-Service (QoS) in cognitive radio networks is analyzed. New approaches to distributed coordination of cogn ...


    标签: Quality-of-Service Distributed Support

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • RFIC+Design+for+Cognitive+Radio+Systems

    Cognitive radios have become a vital solution that allows sharing of the scarce frequency spectrum available for wireless systems. It has been demonstrated that it can be used for future wireless systems as well as integrated into 4G/5G wireless systems. Although there is a great amount of literatur ...


    标签: Cognitive Systems Design Radio RFIC for

    上传时间: 2020-06-01
