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  • LM621无刷电机换向器

    General Description The LM621 is a bipolar IC designed for commutation of brushless DC motors. The part is compatible with both three- and four-phase motors. It can directly drive the power switching devices used to drive the motor. The LM621 provides an adjustable dead-time circuit to eliminate ``s ...


    标签: 621 LM 无刷电机

    上传时间: 2013-07-24


  • 介绍配置曼彻斯特编码器 译码器的VHDL和Verilog源代码

    This application note provides a functional des cription of VHDL and Verilog source code for a


    标签: Verilog VHDL 曼彻斯特 编码器

    上传时间: 2013-07-04


  • 音频数模转换器DAC抖动的灵敏度分析

    Abstract: This application note describes how sampling clock jitter (time interval error or "TIE jitter") affectsthe performance of delta-sigma digital-to-analog converters (DACs). New insights explain the importanceof separately specifying low-frequency (< 2x passband frequency) and high-frequenc ...


    标签: DAC 音频 数模转换器 抖动

    上传时间: 2013-10-25


  • MAX4968,MAX4968A数据手册

    The MAX4968/MAX4968A are 16-channel, high-linearity,high-voltage, bidirectional SPST analog switches with18I (typ) on-resistance. The devices are ideal for use inapplications requiring high-voltage switching controlledby a low-voltage control signal, such as ultrasound imagingand printers. The MAX ...


    标签: 4968 MAX 数据手册

    上传时间: 2013-10-09


  • ISM射频产品的晶体频率计算

    Abstract: Many industrial/scientific/medical (ISM) band radio frequency (RF) products use crystal oscillators to generate areference for the phase-locked loop (PLL)-based local oscillator (LO). This tutorial provides a basic description of theISM-RF Crystal Calculator, which can be used to calcula ...


    标签: ISM 射频 晶体频率 计算

    上传时间: 2013-11-15


  • LFRD003水表自动抄表(AMR)的参考设计

    Abstract: This reference design provides a complete demonstration platform for using industrial/scientific/medical radio frequency


    标签: LFRD 003 AMR 水表

    上传时间: 2013-11-09


  • 你的PLD是亚稳态吗

      This application note provides a detailed description of themetastable behavior in PLDs from both circuit and statisticalviewpoints. Additionally, the information on the metastablecharacteristics of Cypress PLDs presented here can help youachieve any desired degree of reliability.


    标签: PLD 亚稳态

    上传时间: 2013-10-23


  • MAX2691 L2 Band GPS Low-Noise Amplifier

    &nbsp; The MAX2691 low-noise amplifier (LNA) is designed forGPS L2 applications. Designed in Maxim&rsquo;s advancedSiGe process, the device achieves high gain andlow noise figure while maximizing the input-referred 1dBcompression point and the 3rd-order intercept point. TheMAX2691 provides a hig ...


    标签: Amplifier Low-Noise 2691 Band

    上传时间: 2014-12-04


  • 光电转换电路设计

    OPTOELECTRONICS CIRCUIT COLLECTION AVALANCHE PHOTODIODE BIAS SUPPLY 1Provides an output voltage of 0V to +80V for reverse biasingan avalanche photodiode to control its gain. This circuit canalso be reconfigured to supply a 0V to –80V output.LINEAR TEC DRIVER–1This is a bridge-tied load (BTL) linea ...


    标签: 光电转换 电路设计

    上传时间: 2013-10-27


  • pci e PCB设计规范

    This document provides practical, common guidelines for incorporating PCI Express interconnect layouts onto Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) ranging from 4-layer desktop baseboard designs to 10- layer or more server baseboard designs. Guidelines and constraints in this document are intended for use on b ...


    标签: pci PCB 设计规范

    上传时间: 2013-10-15
